Sun.Star Pampanga




$s the school \ear has officiall\ ended, Zhat Zere the things \ou did in school unfor gettable to \ou" 7hough the interactio­ns \ou had Zith \our classmates and teachers Zere the first things \ou remembered, the activities \ou had outside the classroom Zere surel\ the memories \ou had \our lips smiled on.

([tracurricu­lar activities in school are activities that students Moin outside of their regular academic curriculum. 7hese activities are t\picall\ voluntar\ and made to enrich the e[periences of the students in school b\ honing their interests, skills, and social interactio­ns. 7his ma\ include sports games, student government, dance competitio­ns, scouting activities, and participat­ing in various school clubs.

([tracurricu­lar activities serve as a platform for students to develop their different skills that might not be taught or acTuired inside the classroom. 7he\ might grasp skills in leadership, teamZork, commu nication, and problem solving. 7hese skills are not Must valuable for school, but also in their future endeavor.

-oining in e[tracurricu­lar activities drives \ou to have a better academic performanc­e. 6ome disci plines that might be improved through these activities are time management, behavior, and persever ance. 7hese are often translated into improved stud\ habits and academic success. 7hus, positive outcomes and desirable results are e[pected to them as the b\products of participat­ing in e[tracurricu lar activities.

%eing engaged in e[tracurricu­lar activities enables students to create friendship­s and develop their social skills. &ollaborati­ng Zith peers outside of a classroom setting helps them learn hoZ to resolve conflicts, negotiate, and cooperate.

0oreover, different activities that are being offered b\ participat­ing in various e[tracurricu­lar such sports activities promote the developmen­t and improvemen­t of mental and ph\sical health. 'ancing, running, Mumping, hiking, and other activities outside of the school vicinit\ can improve fitness, reduce stress, and contribute to the overall health of students.

:hat is great about participat­ing in e[tracurricu­lar activities is that it helps us in developing our skills in sportsmans­hip and fair pla\. -ust like in different e[tracurricu­lar activities, Ze do not alZa\s Zin in life. 6ometimes Ze must taste the bitterness of losing because it alloZs us to savor the sZeetness of Zinning. :e fall and stumble but Zhat reall\ matters is that Ze stand up and continue pla\ing. ,t is not about Zinning. ,t is about the lessons Ze learned and the friendship­s Ze built. 7hose are the things that Ze might not comprehend inside the classroom. 6o, Zhat are \ou Zaiting for" $s the ne[t school \ear is fast approachin­g, go and plan on Zhat e[tracurricu­lar activities \ou Zill be Moining.


7he author is 7eacher ,,, of 7elacsan (lementar\ 6chool, 0acabebe (ast 'istrict

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