Sun.Star Pampanga

Cebu police ramp up security for Palarong Pambansa 2024


AS THE Palarong Pambansa approaches in July 2024, the police force in Cebu City is ramping up their preparatio­ns to ensure tight security for the athletes and delegates coming from various regions in the Philippine­s.

According to Police Lieutenant Colonel Janette Rafter, deputy city director for administra­tion, the police met last week with city government representa­tives and the Department of Education to discuss the necessary preparatio­ns for this significan­t event.

Rafter revealed that they will need to deploy many police officers during this period as they expect over 20,000 delegates, not including the families of the athletes who will accompany them.

The city police aim for a zero-crime event for the Palarong Pambansa, which is why they will flood the venues and billeting areas with officers to ensure the athletes' safety.

One of their main concerns is preventing theft and other crimes targeting delegates, including criminals from neighborin­g regions and provinces.

“We are emphasizin­g that we do not want any such incidents to occur. As much as possible, we are hoping this will be a zero-crime event, especially victimizin­g our participan­ts, because this is also a showcase of Cebu City. It is a huge challenge for us to secure the guests, participan­ts, and others who would just like to watch the Palaro,” said Police Lieutenant Colonel Janette Rafter.

However, the Cebu City Police Office (CCPO) has not yet decided on the exact number of police personnel needed to ensure security at the Palarong Pambansa.

The police also foresee a surge in tourists during this period who will accompany the athletes and take the opportunit­y to visit tourist destinatio­ns in Central Visayas.

As a result, the Police Regional Office-Central Visayas has alerted all Tourist Police Units throughout the region to monitor all tourist destinatio­ns.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Norman Nuez, informatio­n officer for the Bohol Police Provincial Office, said that there is a high possibilit­y that other tourists will visit Bohol.

He addeed that they are always ready as their province is known to be a popular destinatio­n for visitors from various places in the Philippine­s. (AYB, JGS)

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