Sun.Star Pampanga

Was it Kamala Harris or Michelle Obama in 2021 prophecy of St. Michael?


In 2021, I shared in this column a message from St. Michael the Archangel via third-degree Augustinia­n stigmatist Luz de Maria de Bonilla. He said: “Children of Our King, pray: the great nation will call for the retirement of its ruler and will raise up a woman.”

I cite this because of recent developmen­t in US politics in the face of the coming November presidenti­al elections now marked by calls for Pres. Biden to retire because of dotage. If Biden is compelled to retire, a woman in the person of Vice President Kamala Harris would take over.

But even if he does not, there are reports that he would not be picked as the Democrats’ presidenti­al bet against ex-president Donald Trump. And the name of another woman, not Harris, is making the rounds: former first lady Michelle Obama.

While it seems obvious that St. Michael was referring to the USin the prophecy, note that he merely said that a woman would be “raised” after the retirement of a leader. This need not mean the woman would become the leader.

Anyway, for me, it’s a matter of curiosity in the midst of accuracy in the prophecies being coursed through Catholic mystics. Let's wait and see.

Meanwhile, I am sharing another developmen­t on the Catholic mystic front. This time, it's a message from St. Padre Pio as conveyed to German mystic Manuela Track (supported by the late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) on June 3, 2024. I chose to share this as I plead to local priests to please, please, please, preach about the need for the Sacrament of Reconcilia­tion (Confession) and to make themselves readily available for the Sacrament. Enough of sacrileges against the Holy Eu ch ar i st .

Manuela recalled:

“While we are praying, St. Padre Pio appears in a brown monk's habit and brown half gloves. He blesses us and speaks:

"’In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

“‘Beloved children of the Lord and the Virgin Mary, I pray for you and bless you in the love of the Lord.

“‘All the more I pray for your priests. Their hearts often resemble extinguish­ed stars. Their hearts no longer burn with longing for the Lord and it seems as if they have lost their faith and have gone astray. So they search for the love they lack. They look for it in creaturely love and fall into sin. Pray for your priests! The Lord loves them and does not want them to perish! Our Lady Mary prays for them daily at the throne of the Lord and I pray for you, dear priests.

“‘I know the dangers and the snares that Satan lays for you. The love of the Lord surpasses everything and you will not find it in any creature. Your love is Jesus, do not forget it! Stand firm and you who have fallen, stand up and cry out to the Lord. Reconcile yourselves with Jesus, who is your great love and who loves you infinitely! He has come to save. Always remember this!

“‘And you beloved children of God, fall on your knees and ask for mercy, ask for mitigation of all events that must come for purificati­on. Do not forget that the Lord loves and that you can find refuge in His Precious Blood. The Lord cares for His sheep. He tends and loves them and does not abandon them. The sheep recognize the voice of the Lord. Seek the sacrament of reconcilia­tion with your Lord and the Eternal Father. How much blessing it brings you. Every time a soul shone when it left the confession­al and I was able to grant it indulgence.’

“He blesses us ‘In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.’I was allowed to kiss his right hand in farewell. Then he left.” (End of quote).

Over in the Amazon, Our Blessed Mother also gave a message through mystic Pedro Regis on June 8, 2024 as follows:

“Dear children, My Son Jesus loves you and waits for you. Do not stray from the path that He has pointed out to you in His Gospel. Defend Jesus and His Teachings. With your example and words, show everyone that you are a Belonging of the Lord. Do not allow the demon to deceive you through the fascinatin­g things of this world. Do not forget: Everything in this life passes, but the Grace of God in you will be eternal.

“You are walking toward a future of spiritual warfare like never happened before. The weapon I offer you for the great combat is the truth. The victory of the righteous will come through the truth. Whatever happens, do not turn away from the truth.

“You will still have long years of hard trials, but do not be discourage­d. I will be with you, although you do not see Me. Pray. Seek strength in the Gospel and the

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