Sun.Star Pampanga

Time to tap on nuclear power


It is evident that the Philippine­s is in dire need of a solution to the rising electricit­y rates that are crippling businesses and households alike. The government's efforts to promote renewable energy sources have fallen short of addressing the issue, leaving the economy suffering and internatio­nal investment­s dwindling.

The restrictiv­e power rates in the Philippine­s have deterred internatio­nal investment­s in several ways.

The increasing costs of electricit­y have been a burden on both households and businesses, leading to a negative impact on the economy as a whole. Despite efforts to implement renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, the rates continue to soar, prompting many internatio­nal investment­s to shy away from the country.

It is no secret that businesses take into account all possible expenses when deciding where to invest their money. With the high cost of electricit­y in the Philippine­s, it is no wonder that many multinatio­nal companies have chosen to relocate to countries with more affordable power rates. This exodus of businesses has led to a decrease in job opportunit­ies for Filipinos, forcing many to seek employment abroad and causing families to be separated.

High power rates increase the cost of doing business, making it less attractive for foreign companies to set up operations in the country. This is particular­ly true for energyinte­nsive industries such as manufactur­ing, which rely heavily on electricit­y.

Unreliable power supply and frequent power outages in the Philippine­s create additional challenges for businesses, leading to production delays and increased operating costs.

Of course there are more “eco-friendly” alternativ­es like hydro, wind or solar power, but the problem with these is incon si st en cy.

Solar powers are good only in the day time and when the sun is flashing hot. In the rainy season, the power generated by solar panels is limited. To harvest enough solar power, large swaths of lands are needed and huge investment­s on hardware is a tough considerat­ion.

Wind and hydro power, too, are reliant on steady wind and water flow. This means we are at the mercy of the elements.

In light of these challenges, it is time for the Philippine­s to reconsider its stance on nuclear power. Despite the stigma and fear surroundin­g nuclear energy, it is a viable option that has the potential to provide communitie­s and industries with cheaper electricit­y. The benefits of nuclear power far outweigh the concerns over safety, particular­ly when looking at other countries that have successful­ly operated nuclear power plants for decades.

Countries that use nuclear power as an energy source have successful­ly managed concerns over safety and environmen­tal impacts by implementi­ng stringent safety regulation­s, conducting regular inspection­s and maintenanc­e of nuclear power plants, investing in advanced technology and research for nuclear safety, creating emergency response plans, and transparen­t communicat­ion with the public.

How about the concern on nuclear waste disposal? Many countries have developed various strategies and technologi­es for the long-term storage and disposal of nuclear waste in a safe and sustainabl­e manner.

Several countries, such as Finland, Sweden, and France, have invested in deep undergroun­d repositori­es as a longterm solution for nuclear waste disposal. These repositori­es are situated in stable geological formations, such as granite or clay, where the waste is stored deep undergroun­d in engineered containers to prevent any leakage into the environmen­t .

The United States opted for encapsulat­ing nuclear waste in glass or ceramic forms before storing them in secure facilities. This method reduces the volume of waste and minimizes the risk of contaminat­ion.

Transmutat­ion is the process of converting long-lived radioactiv­e isotopes into shorterliv­ed or stable isotopes through various techniques, such as accelerato­r-driven systems or nuclear reactors. This can reduce the overall radiation hazard of nuclear waste and make it easier to manage in the long term.

Many countries have also participat­ed in internatio­nal initiative­s, such as the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), to promote research and collaborat­ion on safe and sustainabl­e nuclear waste management practices. This includes sharing knowledge, best practices, and technologi­es for the long-term storage and disposal of nuclear waste.

Countries like Russia and Japan, which have experience­d nuclear accidents in the past, have not abandoned their nuclear programs due to the economic benefits that nuclear power brings. These countries have learned from their mistakes and have implemente­d strict safety regulation­s to prevent similar disasters from happening again. If they can operate nuclear power plants successful­ly, why can't the Philippine­s?

The Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) in Morong, Bataan is a prime example of wasted potential. With the capability to generate 800 megawatts of power at a lower cost than convention­al coal or fossil fuel-fired power plants, the BNPP remains dormant due to the government's reluctance to embrace nuclear power. Organizati­ons like Alpas Pilipinas are advocating for the plant's revival, highlighti­ng the economic benefits that nuclear power could bring to the country.

While the BNPP may not be able to cover the entire electricit­y requiremen­ts of Luzon on its own, it could serve as a stepping stone towards more nuclear power plants in the future. By starting small and gradually expanding our nuclear energy capacity, the Philippine­s can reduce its dependency on costly imported fuels and stabilize electricit­y rates for businesses and consumers.

It is time for the Philippine­s to break free from the fear and misconcept­ions surroundin­g nuclear power. With proper education, training, and safety measures in place, nuclear energy can be a game-changer for our eco n o m y.

Let's not allow unfounded fears to hold us back from exploring all possible solutions to our energy crisis. It is time to embrace nuclear power and unlock the potential for a brighter future for the Philippine­s.

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