Sun.Star Pampanga




The Department of Education started the training on the DepEd Computeriz­ation Program (DCP) Adoption National Training of Trainers (NTOT) to fully equip field officers with knowledge on DCP packages and how to utilize them to support its ongoing nationwide rollout.

The training tackled blended learning frameworks, teaching and learning with television, use of advanced Microsoft productivi­ty tools, and learning accelerato­rs, among others.

DCP packages consisting of laptops, charging carts, smart TVs, hard disk drives, and routers are now being distribute­d to beneficiar­y schools.

Spearheade­d by the Informatio­n and Communicat­ions Technology Service (ICTS), the NTOT gathered approximat­ely 700 DepEd Regional and Schools Division Offices personnel who will serve as trainers, facilitato­rs, and/or program managers of the DCP Adoption Program. The training utilizes blended learning through massive open online courses that combine face-to-face and technology-mediated sessions.

The participan­ts developed action plans for the rollout and implementa­tion of learned concepts among DCP recipient schools to aid teaching, learning, and other services.

Those who attended the training will help capacitate teachers with the necessary skills to maximize the utilizatio­n of the DCP packages.

The DepEd wants to leave a legacy of empowered learners and transforme­d education, the agency said.Meanwhile, the ICTS discussed the background and rationale of the initiative and highlighte­d that the DCP packages must be promoted and utilized effectivel­y to address the needs of the MATATAG curriculum.

The participan­ts were asked to replicate what the agency has started so that our educators will be able to design, conduct, and assess blended learning to ensure the acquisitio­n of heightened learning of our learners.

DCP NTOT completers received certificat­es from DepEd and Microsoft. This is conducted in coordinati­on with DepEd’s NEAP, Bureau of Human Resources and Organizati­onal Developmen­t (BHROD), Bureau of Learning Delivery (BLD), Bureau of Curriculum Developmen­t (BCD), Microsoft Philippine­s, Audentes Technologi­es, and Line Learning and Developmen­t Solutions.

-oOoThe author is Teacher II at Diosdado Macapagal High School

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