Sun.Star Pampanga

PELCO II asked to resolve frequent power outages


MABALACAT CITY-- Mayor Cris Garbo of this city has asked PELCO II to explain and address the frequent unschedule­d power interrupti­ons in the city. Garbo recently instructed key officials from the local government unit (LGU) to make a follow-up action and meet with top representa­tives from PELCO II.

During the meeting, PELCO II officials outlined a series of actions to be taken to address shortterm and long-term challenges affecting the city's power supply.

For the immediate term, PELCO II plans to implement load transfer and balancing among the three transforme­rs to optimize power distributi­on and mitigate the impact of the unschedule­d power int er r upt i ons.

With the LGU's assistance, PELCO II said it will reach out to major energy users in the city to encourage participat­ion in the Interrupti­ble Load Program (ILP) establishe­d by the Department of Energy (DOE).

In the short to medium term, PELCO II said it aims to expedite the completion of the Sta. Maria Power Sub-station by the first quarter of 2025, increasing its capacity to 25 MVA.

This move is expected to enhance the overall power infrastruc­ture and improve the reliabilit­y of the city's power supply.

For the long-term solution, PELCO II has committed to establish another power sub-station in Barangay Dau, the city's commercial district.

PELCO II executives also vowed to enhance the capacity of the existing Mabiga sub-station and facilitate the constructi­on and completion of the city's waste-to-energy project.

These initiative­s are designed to bolster the city's power grid, ensure sustainabi­lity, and meet the growing energy demands of Mabalacat City, the PELCO II, the city government said.

Garbo expressed optimism regarding the collaborat­ive efforts between the electric cooperativ­e and local government.

He emphasized the importance of continued cooperatio­n to achieve solutions for the benefit of the Mabalaqueñ­os.

During the meeting, PELCO II officials cited the impact of the El Niño phenomenon on the country's temperatur­e and heat index, which has led to abovenorma­l levels of heat since March.

This surge in temperatur­e has increased demand for power, leading to the shutdown of power-generating plants and the subsequent unschedule­d power interrupti­ons, the PELCO II team said.

Garbo expressed concern over the effects of power outages on the city's residents, businesses, and overall productivi­ty.

He stressed the urgency of finding immediate solutions to address the issues and ensure reliable and uninterrup­ted power supply for the city.

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