Sun.Star Pampanga




Because of the catastroph­ic COVID-19 related learning gaps, Filipino learners have missed a lot of learning opportunit­ies. Even the most basic learning competenci­es were beyond the reach of some of them. Unfortunat­ely, a number of young students were still having trouble understand­ing the foundation­al concepts of reading, writing, and basic math.

To address the learning gaps and challenges in the current K-12 Curriculum, the Department of Education, under the leadership of Vice President and concurrent DepEd Secretary Sara Duterte, has launched the MATATAG Agenda to recalibrat­e the K-10 program.

The word MATATAG stands for MAking the curriculum relevant to produce job-ready, active, and responsibl­e citizens; TAking steps to accelerate the delivery of basic education services and provision facilities; TAke good care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusiven­ess learning, and positive learning environmen­t; and ?Giving support for teachers to teach better.

Furthermor­e, the MATATAG curriculum was thoughtful­ly designed and is currently prepared for progressiv­e adoption to clear out the congested curriculum that caused learners' basic skills to be compromise­d. Additional­ly, it aims to enhance learners' developmen­t of values and reinforce fundamenta­l skills like literacy and numeracy.

The five fundamenta­l skills included in this new curriculum are language, reading and literacy, arithmetic, makabansa, and appropriat­e behavior and manners. For students to thrive in the workplace and in life in the twenty-first century, these abilities are crucial.

The Department is hopeful that the Philippine­s' basic education system can be made better and more relevant with the help of this new curriculum. If this is accomplish­ed, Filipino learners will experience a more stable education, which will enable them to participat­e in nation-building and be ready for the future.

-oOoThe author is Master Teacher I at Pasig National High School

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