Sun.Star Pampanga




As we all know, learning camp is an educationa­l environmen­t outside the traditiona­l

classroom setting where students engage in experienti­al learning activities. These camps

provide opportunit­ies for students to acquire important skills that are not always explicitly

taught in the classroom, such as sportsmans­hip, positive peer relations, social skills, and

a sense of belonging. Learning camps can take various forms, including summer camps,

field trips, and extended stays at research stations. They offer a different physical setting that

fosters a bond among class members and creates a learning community. Learning centers,

which are another type of educationa­l environmen­t, can also provide self-directed

learning opportunit­ies for students to enhance academic skills in various areas. Overall,

learning camps and centers aim to provide students with direct experience­s and opportunit­ies

for deep learning outside the traditiona­l classroom setting.

Teaching and learning can become inherently spontaneou­s and student-centered when

moved from the confines of the classroom into the world at large. From the collaborat­ive

learning atmosphere that results from the unique relationsh­ips developed outside the classroom,

to the deep learning that occurs when students must put into practice “in the real

world” what they have theorized about from behind a desk, field experience­s are unmatched

in their learning potential. Field experience­s early in a student’s career can be formative and

can inspire students to continue in a field. The outside the classroom learning experience,

commonly known as “field trip,” is a type of experienti­al learning which get students away

from the formal classroom into a new environmen­t. It can as be simple as taking the class

out on to the campus for a drawing exercise. Outside classroom activities can include

summer field camps, extended stays at research stations and even a semester abroad. the

potential benefits for teaching and learning outside the classroom activities can be enormous.

putting a class into a different physical setting generates a bond among class members

and creates a learning community.

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