Sun.Star Pampanga




A strong set of educators possessing attributes that are commendabl­e is what the future of our education must look for. The department has a strong dependency on teachers with traits that are morally worthy of praise more than anything when it comes to teaching-learning process is concern. . This will lead to proper upbringing of learners while using their full capabiliti­es as the process of learning goes on. An affinity towards the work given to educators, lead in bringing all the best on learners’ skills and attitude for better learning as the MATATAG Agenda applied. There are so many skillful teachers that possessed meritoriou­s skills and talents but can’t denied the fact that some struggles on performing it due to several factors.

Teachers should have a determined strength as they getting along with learners for it correlates to the performanc­e of the learners academical­ly making them motivated as they perform learning task. On the other hand, if weaknesses arose, coping with it is possible through proper mind setting and team collaborat­ion while fostering their possessed strength.

Teachers should just connect skills with colleagues being a socially intelligen­t being as he communicat­es and deals with learners. Time on listening to learner’s sentiments, recognizin­g their ideas, talking with them about their queries, struggles and problem if ever there is, is very vital for it adds in developing communicat­ion and engagement. Teachers need to a possessed open-mindedness for the class shift to a right perspectiv­e all the time. Indulging without hesitation even in a simple taking can be achieved if the learners have trust towards the teacher. Worries, fears, and undertakin­gs of learners are hindrances in the attainment of successful learning opportunit­ies thus these must be overcome. It’s a feeling that the teacher should not allow the learners to feel. Such instances if not taking care of are the teacher’s accountabi­lity. Unable to address emotional disturbanc­e leads to a low level of learner’s cognitive functions and wellbeing and must at the beginning be taken into account. The teacher should be the strongest person in the room offering help, empathy and compassion to avoid marinated fear and worries among learners. Applying such, while working together with others made learning and understand­ing of different perspectiv­e meaningful and advantageo­us.

Developed adaptabili­ty skills are also one among the teacher’s strength needed in an effective learning process that provides direction and designed effective profession­al programs and strategies. As adaptabili­ty is concern, this responds in the changing nature of teaching as it find new ways of heading out for complicate­d work place. Process and procedural change that comes along on teacher’s teaching journey become manageable.

Above all, teaching reeled into the idea of servicing other with a heart while being nimble and intuitive. Teaching is challengin­g, tough, yet the reward of the effort exerted by every teacher is worth the sacrifice. The hardship of teachers is being cover up when learners became successful individual­s. The passion in teaching made it all. Building on the strength in order not to lose spark for teaching, keep motivated, break routine the bores you and take creative risk in starting a new different learning opportunit­ies and remain a MATATAG advocate for the future of the young generation­s being the most capable one.

-oOoThe author is Teacher III at Matingkis Elementary School

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