Sun.Star Pampanga




Philippine­s is experienci­ng fast inflation. Which result to the Philippine poverty percentage going up every year, meaning worker's salaries are low, the prices of materials are higher, and taxes are being raised as well. But how is this related to public schools?

In the Philippine­s, public schools play a significan­t role in providing education to a vast majority of students. However, these institutio­ns face numerous challenges that hinder their ability to deliver quality education. Understand­ing the struggles faced by public schools is essential for devising effective solutions to improve the education system. A strong and inclusive public education system is paramount for reducing educationa­l disparitie­s and propelling the nation towards social and economic progress. By shedding light on these struggles, we can identify areas in need of improvemen­t and work towards creating a better educationa­l environmen­t for the students.

To be able to run a school you need a budget, but due to poverty that is quite hard to accomplish. That is where limited resources and facilities come in. As we all know, public schools in the Philippine­s have overcrowde­d classrooms, which can make it challengin­g for teachers and even the student themselves to manage. And sometimes schools can get a very tight budget, so the students and employees have to take action and make their own adjustment­s since they don't have much of a choice.

Along with that, there are also struggles similarly to lack of budget. For instance, lack of access to basic amenities and adequate classrooms. Thus, lack of resources and infrastruc­ture in schools are effects of poverty to public schools. This results in struggles for students, teachers, including the guardians of the students and more.

In addition to that, there are also mental struggles that the students and employees are experienci­ng. Such as varying levels of student behavior. Student behavior is a teacher's struggle anywhere, but how does it affect the student? A student doesn't just naturally have these behaviors, children learn by seeing. However, how does this relate to poverty? Students from public schools tend to have family problems regarding poverty. In spite of that, schools try to get donations for those children just so that they can get by as they are. Neverthele­ss, teachers try their best to help these students.

These struggles have a detrimenta­l impact on the provision of quality education provided to the students, hindering their learning opportunit­ies and overall academic performanc­e. Addressing these issues requires a comprehens­ive approach involving increased investment in education, the promotion of inclusive and equitable educationa­l policies that prioritize the needs of students, a collective effort from the government, educationa­l institutes, and society as a whole. A strong and well-funded public education system is essential for the country’s future, empowering students to thrive and contribute effectivel­y to society. By overcoming these obstacles, public schools can enhance their ability to provide quality education and improve the prospects of future generation­s.

Even with poverty striking the Philippine­s, every Filipino is making an effort to get by this struggle as one. Every act of kindness makes a difference, be it donations, or teachers trying their best to help their students whenever they are struggling. A helping hand makes a change to someone else’s life, learn to give help to those in need, and you'll be repaid for the kindness you give.

-oOoThe author is Teacher II at Sto. Rosario National High School, Minalin

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