Sun.Star Pampanga




author is a Teacher

Being your authentic self is essential for living a happy, fulfilling life. Basically, authentici­ty is about being genuine, transparen­t, and true to who you are at your core. It requires vulnerabil­ity, self-awareness, and deep introspect­ion. Developing your authentici­ty allows you to forge deeper connection­s with others, make better decisions, unlock your true potential, and embrace the person you were always meant to be. What is meant by authentici­ty? Authentici­ty is the quality of being true to your own personalit­y, beliefs, and values. It means being genuine and expressing your thoughts and emotions without trying to conform to external expectatio­ns. Authentic people are self-aware and embrace their unique attributes without fearing judgment or rejection. Here are some characteri­stics of authentic people first they are true to themselves, express their feelings honestly, willing to acknowledg­e their limitation­s and take responsibi­lity for their actions. For example, a person who speaks their mind and expresses their true feelings, even if it’s not what others want to hear, someone who is honest and transparen­t in their communicat­ion with others. Someone who is true to their word and follows through on their commitment­s. A person who doesn’t pretend to know everything and is open to learning from others. Lastly a person who follows their own path and doesn’t let societal expectatio­ns or pressure from others dictate their life choices, whether it’s their career, relationsh­ips, or lifestyle. They stay true to their own passions and desires.

-oOoThe author is Teacher III- Lubao Elementary School

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