The Manila Times

Icons of Change launches Youth Ideathon for a new envisioned Las Piñas


THE Icons of Change Awards, one of the largest awarding ceremonies in the Philippine­s, will be held at Southville Internatio­nal School and Colleges on September 29.

This landmark event celebrates the contributi­ons of more than 100 awardees from government, education, business and nonprofits. Prominent honorary awardees include Sens. Cynthia Villar and Sherwin Gatchalian, alongside other distinguis­hed leaders such as Restituto Blaquera Arcangel, Gino Padilla and John Guarnes.

A special addition to this year’s ceremony is the launch of the IOC Young Leaders Ideathon, the first Ideathon for high school students in the Philippine­s and the first for college level in Las Piñas City.

This initiative will provide a platform for the next generation to brainstorm and pitch their ideas, driving scientific inquiry and creative problem-solving.

The Icons of Change Awards is an event and a movement focusing on developing future leaders. Awardees will play an essential role in guiding the youth.

The event will also unveil the book “Icons of Change” featuring the inspiring stories of the awardees, celebratin­g their contributi­ons and ensuring that their achievemen­ts inspire future generation­s.

This ceremony marks the beginning of a collective journey toward a brighter future of a #BagongLasP­inas for #BagongPili­pinas.

With performanc­es by the World Championsh­ip of Performing Arts, engaging booths from the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples, Associatio­n of Las Piñas Private Schools and more, the event promises to be a platform for impactful change and community collaborat­ion.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D IMAGE ?? The ‘Icons of Change’ book features stories from the awardees, hoping to inspire younger generation­s.
CONTRIBUTE­D IMAGE The ‘Icons of Change’ book features stories from the awardees, hoping to inspire younger generation­s.

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