The Manila Times

Megaworld Hotels & Resorts emerges as PH’s Leading Hotel Group at WTA



N a landmark achievemen­t for Filipino hospitalit­y, Megaworld Hotels & Resorts (MHR) has been awarded the prestigiou­s title of the Philippine­s’ Leading Hotel Group by the World Travel Awards (WTA).

This accolade marks a significan­t milestone for MHR, a rapidly growing homegrown hotel chain, renowned for its heartfelt service and dedication to showcasing Filipino pride.

As the nation’s largest hotel operator, MHR boasts a portfolio of 13 hotels across 7 brands with more than 8,500 room keys.

Beyond its extensive inventory, MHR is celebrated for its unique approach to hospitalit­y, exemplifie­d by its signature brand of service, Sampaguita, which emphasizes warm Filipino hospitalit­y through the values that the national flower symbolizes.

For the first time in history, the WTA took place in the Philippine­s last Sept. 3, 2024. With more than three decades of recognizin­g exemplary travel brands across the globe since 1993, WTA provides travelers with a consolidat­ion of top destinatio­ns and tourism partners from across sectors and continents voted by the general public.

With this unique layer of credibilit­y that reflects the genuine experience­s of travelers from around the world, the WTA is regarded as the ultimate hallmark of industry excellence.

Cleofe Albiso, managing director of MHR, expresses her gratitude, saying, “We share this award with the 3,000 hoteliers across the [MHR] properties, who found a home, a sense of belongingn­ess, and a pride of serving a Filipino brand in us.”

For more informatio­n on MHR’s offerings and to explore the best of the Philippine­s, visit www. megaworldh­

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? Megaworld Hotels & Resorts (MHR) emerges as the Philippine­s’ Leading Hotel Group at the World Travel Awards. Receiving the award for MHR are Socrates Alvaro, cluster general manager for Boracay; Cleofe Albiso, managing director; and Arturo Boncato Jr., group general manager.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO Megaworld Hotels & Resorts (MHR) emerges as the Philippine­s’ Leading Hotel Group at the World Travel Awards. Receiving the award for MHR are Socrates Alvaro, cluster general manager for Boracay; Cleofe Albiso, managing director; and Arturo Boncato Jr., group general manager.

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