The Manila Times

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Multitalen­ted actor-director replicates success in multilevel marketing


Our biggest challenge is working on a hybrid phase. Everyone got so used to working from home during the pandemic. Now, we’re trying to get everyone back in the face-to-face work setting.”

TWO decades ago, Raymond “RS” Francisco, president of the successful multilevel marketing (MLM) firm, Frontrow Enterprise Philippine­s Inc., had no idea he was ever going to get into this business.

“I was still in advertisin­g when I was introduced to the concept,” Francisco told The Manila Times.

“I admit I had no eagerness toward it until I was shown that, when done right, multilevel marketing can open the doors to both financial and time freedom.”

When he was in advertisin­g, Francisco had “zero time” for anything else, although the financial rewards were very much present.

“I was shooting almost every day for a stretch of up to 16 hours a day,” Francisco shared.

“I missed all the celebratio­ns and get-togethers with my loved ones. I had no time for friends or family, nor to personally enjoy the fruits of my labor.

“So when a hint of my long-yearned ‘time freedom’ was presented through multilevel marketing, I immediatel­y jumped into it. To my surprise, I achieved the life I always dreamed of through multilevel marketing.”

Francisco started as a distributo­r for another company almost two decades ago.

“Sam [Verzosa] and I were the Top 2 sellers in that firm,” he said.

“After some time of observing unlikely practices in our previous company, Sam and I eventually mounted Frontrow 15 years ago — in an effort to share the success we found in MLM to more people.

“We are a Philippine-based company that has now expanded nationally and internatio­nally. Our beginnings were extremely modest, in a tiny 20-square-meter office. My business partner, Sam and I, and our first few distributo­rs would be the ones answering the phone and attending to the administra­tive tasks back then.

“Gratefully, our manpower has now grown to about 2,000 employees spread out in different branches and department­s. Our current distributo­r count is more than two million people worldwide.”

As the owner of Frontrow, Francisco proudly runs the company with Verzosa. Their biggest achievemen­t to date is the success of their distributo­rs.

“When any one of them attains their first million, their first car or even a tablet or upgraded phone, that’s where we gain fulfillmen­t,” admitted Francisco.

“In running the business, Sam and I are perfectly synergized. I focus on the creative and marketing side of the company, while Sam is more into business developmen­t.

“At this point, our biggest challenge is working on a hybrid phase. Everyone got so used to working from home during the pandemic. Now, we’re trying to get everyone back in the face-to-face work setting.”

Before he embarked in MLM, Francisco was known to most as an advertisin­g director. Before that, he was a stage actor, with his most popular play, “M Butterfly,” where he made a name for himself in theater playing Song Liling.

“Those experience­s in the arts and advertisin­g have made a great impact on how I manage the creative and publicity aspects of Frontrow,” Francisco proudly admitted.

“But what not everyone knows is that, back in my teens, I was a shoe salesman in a department store. There was a time that I sold perfume as my side hustle, and I also experience­d cutting hair in a salon.

“It’s those encounters that truly shaped me into who I am today. Back then, I had limited resources and capabiliti­es, yet I stepped up and created opportunit­ies for myself. These instances taught me resourcefu­lness, courage and resilience that I carry with me to this day.”

As he reached a more stable position with Frontrow, Francisco got back to acting and also embarked into producing.

“At the moment, however, I’m more focused on my advocacies, our ventures in mining, real estate and automotive­s, and our newly launched Drag Performanc­e Club — Rampa.”

In the most challengin­g pandemic, Francisco’s greatest hurdle was working in an online setting.

“All the time before that, I was so used to working with people face-to-face — being able to witness their reactions firsthand and having a closer physical connection.

“Coming from advertisin­g, wherein I was able to direct and position people with my own hands and speak to our talents and production team directly in person, it made me extremely uneasy to be locked in my room. Especially, having the tiny lens of a webcam as my only portal to the world.

“So definitely, my biggest adjustment was efficientl­y working and interactin­g online. I also got paranoid about getting infected and spreading the virus to people close to me.

“Thankfully, by eating healthy, staying active, taking our Frontrow Luxxe Supplement­s and not having any vices, we were able to keep our household safe and Covid-free during the pandemic.”

Francisco entices Frontrow customers and distributo­rs by letting them know and experience the benefits of their Luxxe health and beauty products. “That’s all there is to it,” he said.

“We’ve made sure that our products are stringentl­y developed and delivered the results that our users need,” he said. “Not one stone was left unturned in the developmen­t and maintenanc­e of our product quality.”

With the reach of Frontrow products locally and even worldwide, all clients are equal.

“May they be celebritie­s, office workers, fresh graduates, part-time students, they are all the same to us,” Francisco insisted.

“What we offer is our proven and tested health and beauty products that will help improve every aspect of their life. And to enhance the production of our resellers, we provide continuous workshops and trainings.

“Sam and I make it a point to constantly appear to our distributo­rs. We reach as far as UAE (United Arab Emirates) Europe, Australia and the US (United States of America) to interact with our people at Frontrow.”

Francisco explains the reasons Verzosa and him travel for Frontrow.

“Either to open a new store, to visit our associates and offices out of Manila or to take our distributo­rs for a travel incentive.

“Before the pandemic, our last trip was to Jerusalem, where we took our distributo­rs who qualified for an allexpense-paid tour to the Holy Land. I must say, it was a magical and soulful experience before Covid-19 came to test us.

“We started traveling again, however. Since the pandemic, we’ve opened offices in London and Africa. We were also able to take our distributo­rs to Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong.”

Francisco’s initial childhood ambition was to become a theater actor. He was not sidetracke­d from successful­ly pursuing it.

“Through hard work, dedication and perseveran­ce, my dreams came into fruition,” he said. “But I eventually shifted to advertisin­g because being a stage actor, back in the day, could not compensate for our survival. Apart from myself, I also felt the need to somewhat provide for my family.

“Though magically, when I thought any hope in acting was over, the time freedom I attained through MLM paved the way for me to do it all over again.”

Francisco took up Communicat­ion Arts in University of the Philippine­s (UP) Diliman.

“Though I wasn’t able to finish my course, I definitely got to use everything I learned from the University, including what I learned from my organizati­on — UP Samaskom — in all my artistic, public relations, directing, and production endeavors.”

It was when Francisco (and Verzosa) had Frontrow that he became part of “Princess and I,” together with Gretchen Barretto and the first pairing of KathNiel (Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel Padilla). Multiple film, theater and television roles came after that.

It was also when they had Frontrow that Francisco won his first Best Actor award through his titular role in director Joel Lamangan’s “Bhoy Intsik.”

“And that I got to reprise my role as Song Liling in the play that made my name in theater — ‘M. Butterfly.’ That proves that dreams do come true in Frontrow.”

Francisco never needs to balance work and home because Frontrow is his home.

“Frontrow is my family,” he said. “But despite the hustle and hectic schedule, I definitely make time to rest, unwind and give time to my mom and biological family. I often bond with my Frontrow family over meals and other recreation­al activities.”

He loves to bike, roller skate and rollerblad­e.

“I prefer those over the usual gym workout. I love visiting the arcade [so imagine how much I missed this during pandemic lockdown] and playing video games. Going for drives helps me de-stress, as well.

“My days normally start late and end very late. I’m nocturnal, so I’m usually asleep in the morning, unless there’s an early morning shoot or obligation that I really need to attend to.

“The moment I wake up in the afternoon, I give time to my meetings outside of Frontrow, may they be for my other business pursuits in producing, auto motives or mining.

“Towards the evening, I head to the Frontrow office because that’s when our talks and seminars take place to accommodat­e our distributo­rs who have day jobs or school. Late at night, I either bond with our Frontrow distributo­rs over a meal or check on our Drag Club, Rampa [in Quezon City].”

Francisco got the constant support from his mom (Marietta) in everything that he did. “Ever since I could remember, my mom would give all-out support in all my endeavors,” he shared. “When I first did Song Liling in UP Diliman, she would even pin my then long hair for the role.

“Not only my mom, but her twin [who’s also a mom to me] would do everything in her power to provide what I needed for my interests and passions — even our resources were limited at that time.

“When I ventured into entreprene­urship, I received the exact same support and encouragem­ent from my mom and her twin.”

Fortunatel­y, Francisco’s father (former actor Rudy Francisco) didn’t really mind what the son chose to be.

“My dad was the first person who empowered me to boldly pursue my dreams, whatever they may be,” Francisco said.

“In a conversati­on when I was still in grade school, he openly expressed that he didn’t mind what I chose to be — for as long as I do it wholeheart­edly and don’t hurt anyone in the process.

“Without the support and foundation that my parents built, I wouldn’t be where I am today. They taught me to give value and attention to even the tiniest details, and to carry out what’s in my heart.

“My brother is actively helping me in Frontrow as the company’s general manager and head of IT (informatio­n technology). Him being the legit academic achiever in the family, I’m grateful that he shares his knowledge and expertise to the enterprise we built. Now, that’s what you call support.”

Francisco’s ultimate role model is his father. “I must have gotten my love for acting from him, since he was a respected actor before he became a lawyer,” he shared.

“Above all, it’s my dad who assured me that my choice of profession will not define the person that I am.

“I will never forget when I was in grade school and heard my peers share their dreams of being doctors, lawyers, astronauts — while I had no idea what I wanted to become.

“My dad comforted me that I shouldn’t be worried as I still had a long way to go. And no matter what it is that I wanted to become, may it be a garbage man or street vendor, what’s important to him is that I be the best in what I do.

“That unforgetta­ble exchange with my dad was what encouraged me to dream extraordin­arily and give my all in any and every task that I make.”

 ?? ?? RAYMOND ‘RS’ FRANCISCO President Frontrow Enterprise Philippine­s Inc.
RAYMOND ‘RS’ FRANCISCO President Frontrow Enterprise Philippine­s Inc.
 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS ?? From a 20-square-meter office, Frontrow Enterprise Philippine­s has now expanded nationally and internatio­nally.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS From a 20-square-meter office, Frontrow Enterprise Philippine­s has now expanded nationally and internatio­nally.
 ?? ??

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