The Manila Times

InLife CMO and Bancassura­nce head shares experience­s in marketing insurance to women


TAILORING insurance to meet women’s unique needs, concerns and preference­s has been crucial in encouragin­g them to practice financial empowermen­t and security, said Gae Martinez, chief marketing officer of Insular Life Assurance Co. Ltd. (InLife) and head of Bancassura­nce.

“Women are incredibly diverse. They come from varied background­s, possess unique life experience­s and face a multitude of challenges. Therefore, our approach to selling insurance to women must be nuanced, empathetic and tailored to individual circumstan­ces,” she said in her speech before the Profession­al Insurance and Financial Advisors Associatio­n of the Philippine­s Congress.

Martinez emphasized women’s crucial role as catalysts for social progress and substantia­l contributo­rs to income generation and community investment. For this reason, insurance providers should devote themselves to genuinely hearing women, comprehend­ing their distinct situations and empathizin­g with their worries.

The InLife Sheroes Advocacy and Movement was the flagship initiative of InLife for women empowermen­t through financial inclusion. It was launched in partnershi­p with the Internatio­nal Finance Corp. in 2019. Initially targeting 1 million Filipino women in three years, it has surpassed expectatio­ns, reaching out to 4.56 million Filipino women by the end of 2021 and up to 6.5 million Filipinos in 2023.

“Selling insurance to women is more than just closing deals; it’s about empowering women to take control of their financial futures,” Martinez said.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? Insular Life Assurance Co. Ltd. (InLife) Chief Marketing Officer and Bancassura­nce head Gae Martinez (3rd from left) grace the Profession­al Insurance and Financial Advisors Associatio­n of the Philippine­s (Pifaap) Congress. With her are (from left) Pifaap President Alijeffty Gonzales, Pifaap Trustee Joy Flores and InLife Agency Leader Malou Romero.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO Insular Life Assurance Co. Ltd. (InLife) Chief Marketing Officer and Bancassura­nce head Gae Martinez (3rd from left) grace the Profession­al Insurance and Financial Advisors Associatio­n of the Philippine­s (Pifaap) Congress. With her are (from left) Pifaap President Alijeffty Gonzales, Pifaap Trustee Joy Flores and InLife Agency Leader Malou Romero.

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