The Manila Times

Act on power crisis, group urges MinDA


A NONPROFIT organizati­on based in Davao has called on the Mindanao Developmen­t Authority (MinDA) to act immediatel­y on the power crisis surroundin­g Davao del Norte and the Island Garden City of Samal.

The Davao Consumer Movement (DCM) has expressed its disappoint­ment over the agency’s “quiet stand” on the power crisis in Davao del Norte which the group blamed on the issues plaguing the Northern Davao Electric Cooperativ­e Inc. (Nordeco), which it described as “underperfo­rming.”

DCM convenor Ryan Amper said in a statement that it is the mandate of the MinDA to assist the government in looking for ways on how to improve the living conditions of the people in Mindanao, including the power situation.

“The MinDA, headed by its chairperso­n Secretary Leo Tereso Magno, should take a firmer stance on the current power situation of Davao del Norte and the Island Garden City of Samal ... [we are] disappoint­ed with MinDA’s passive stance in merely pledging to intervene between the local government of Island Garden City of Samal (Igacos) and the Department of Energy (DoE). This stance taken by Secretary [Magno] would only slow down the potential resolution of the ongoing power crisis,” the group said.

The group has urged MinDA to make Nordeco “accountabl­e” for its failures by collaborat­ing with the national government to implement policies to resolve the power crisis in Davao del Norte.

The group also said that for residents of Davao del Norte to finally have affordable and reliable power in their households, MinDA should implement the Mindanao Power Developmen­t Program (MPDP), a strategy that would accelerate the usage of renewable energy in the region.

“The implementa­tion of MPDP is a critical component to the success of the DoE’s 2018-2040 Mindanao Energy Plan (MEP). This is because the MEP cannot be fully implemente­d if residents of Davao del Norte continue to pay for expensive electricit­y bills, together with continued suffering from power outages,” Amper said.

The group also said that they are saddened with the “lukewarm stance” of MinDA to mediate in the rift between Samal and the DoE when it can effectivel­y create a solution to resolve the island’s power issues through the MPDP.

“Now that there is a forecast that Mindanao could be thrown into another power crisis, we believe that MinDA should be on top of the power situation of the island again before it worsens,” the group said.

In the case of Samal, the group added, a prolonged crisis would mean extended suffering for consumers in the area.

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