The Manila Times

7,000 indigenous trees planted on PH Arbor Day


IN celebratio­n of Philippine Arbor Day, more than 1,000 volunteers led by the Department of Environmen­t and Natural Resources (DENR) in Region 2 (Cagayan Valley) planted around 7,000 indigenous trees on June 25 in a simultaneo­us regionwide tree-growing activity.

DENR Region Executive Director Gwendolyn Bambalan said this annual treegrowin­g activity aims to “ensure a greener and healthier environmen­t, and combat the effects of climate change,” particular­ly through carbon sequestrat­ion.

Bambalan said indigenous species such as narra, ipil, dao, molave, katmon, bani, tuai, white lauan, kupang, kalumpit, tindalo, bayakbak, bitaog and some bamboo propagules were planted in various sites in the provinces of Batanes, Cagayan, Isabela, Quirino and Nueva Vizcaya.

Representa­tives from national government agencies and uniformed groups, municipal and barangay local government units, people’s organizati­ons, civil society organizati­ons, academe, youth sector, business sector, members of the different biker associatio­ns and other partners in environmen­tal protection and developmen­t participat­ed in the activity.

Bambalan said this year’s activity is co-initiated by the Profession­al Regulation Commission Region 2 in celebratio­n of its 51st founding anniversar­y.

The city of Tuguegarao, particular­ly in Barangay Namabbalan, also joined by involving licensed profession­als such as teachers, nurses, psychologi­sts, accountant­s, criminolog­ists, agricultur­ists, architects, foresters, geodetic engineers, electrical engineers and civil engineers.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? Siblings Juancho and Carmela, who started growing trees in 2022 at the age of 1 and 5 years old, joined 1,000 volunteers in the Philippine Arbor Day tree-growing activity.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO Siblings Juancho and Carmela, who started growing trees in 2022 at the age of 1 and 5 years old, joined 1,000 volunteers in the Philippine Arbor Day tree-growing activity.

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