The Manila Times

9th BCM between PH and China: Diplomacy moving forward


LAST July 2, I was interviewe­d on the SMNI program “Nightline News,” hosted by MJ and Admar, on many crucial issues related to the country’s dispute with China over the South China Sea. I was asked about the impact of the ongoing tensions between the Philippine­s and China over the SCS dispute, particular­ly concerning our overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in mainland China, Macau and Hong Kong. I also discussed my views on the 9th Bilateral Consultati­on Mechanism (BCM) between the Philippine­s and China, which took place on July 2, 2024 in Manila.

Indeed, the escalating disputes between the Philippine­s and China over the SCS pose risks to the safety and livelihood­s of our OFWs in mainland China and Hong Kong. Thus, de-escalating tension in the SCS is crucial for the Philippine­s and its OFWs in Hong Kong and mainland China through diplomacy, dialogue and negotiatio­ns. For one, the uncertaint­y and potential for the escalation of tension between the Philippine­s and China over the SCS dispute cause significan­t psychologi­cal stress for OFWs and their families, affecting their overall well-being.

Indeed, de-escalating SCS tension must be actively pursued through diplomatic channels like the BCM. Engaging in continuous dialogue with China can help manage and potentiall­y resolve disputes, ensuring tensions do not escalate to a point where they adversely affect Filipino citizens in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau.

Strengthen­ing bilateral negotiatio­ns through mechanisms like the BCM is crucial. These platforms allow both nations to address issues directly and seek mutually beneficial solutions.

The Philippine government under President Marcos Jr. should remember that the primary responsibi­lity of any government is to protect its citizens, both at home and abroad. By de-escalating tensions in the SCS, the Philippine­s can ensure the safety and well-being of its OFWs, who are an integral part of the nation’s socioecono­mic fabric.

Indeed, de-escalating tension in the SCS through diplomacy, dialogue and negotiatio­ns is not merely a strategic necessity but a moral obligation. It directly impacts the lives of countless Filipino citizens working and living in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau. By prioritizi­ng peaceful resolution and regional stability, the Philippine­s can safeguard the interests and welfare of its people while contributi­ng to the broader goal of regional peace and cooperatio­n.

Positive developmen­ts

The 9th BCM on the South China Sea between the Philippine­s and China was convened in Manila last July 2. Thus far, it has yielded some positive developmen­ts

Philippine Foreign Affairs Undersecre­tary Ma. Theresa Lazaro and Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Chen Xiaodong had frank and constructi­ve discussion­s about the SCS dispute. I think the most important outcome of the talks is the commitment to de-escalate tensions without prejudice to their respective positions. Both sides agreed that continued dialogue based on mutual respect as two equal sovereign states facilitate­s peace and stability at sea and committed to having the 10th BCM in China sustain the positive momentum of the discussion­s. Most importantl­y, both sides agreed to continue discussion­s to find a mutually acceptable resolution to the dispute.

Another important outcome of the 9th BCM was the commitment to strengthen the bilateral maritime communicat­ion mechanism in the South China Sea. The two sides signed the Arrangemen­t on Improving Philippine­s-China Maritime Communicat­ion Mechanisms and agreed to discuss further how to operationa­lize this mechanism. Likewise, the two sides agreed to continue discussion­s on maritime cooperatio­n between their respective Coast Guard authoritie­s, including the possible resumption of the Joint Coast Guard Committee (JCGC). Also, the two sides continued discussion­s on the possibilit­y of convening an academic forum among scientists and academics on marine scientific and technologi­cal cooperatio­n.

These are undoubtedl­y positive, promising and welcome developmen­ts not only for both sides but also for the Asean region and the wider Asia Pacific.


Indeed, the recently concluded BCM meeting between the Philippine­s and China underscore­s both nations’ ongoing commitment to dialogue and the peaceful resolution of disputes. This developmen­t is significan­t for several reasons, highlighti­ng the importance of diplomatic engagement and its potential to foster a stable and cooperativ­e regional environmen­t.

Both countries’ participat­ion in the 9th BCM meeting demonstrat­es a mutual recognitio­n of the importance of sustained dialogue and negotiatio­ns over disputes in the SCS. This is crucial to prevent further misunderst­andings and mistrust between the two sides and manage disputes diplomatic­ally. The BCM provides an essential platform for open communicat­ion, allowing both sides to express their concerns, clarify intentions and explore areas of cooperatio­n, leading to the de-escalation of tensions between the two sides. By committing to the BCM, the Philippine­s and China are choosing a diplomatic approach to address contentiou­s issues, vital for maintainin­g peace and stability in the region.

Furthermor­e, the BCM is an avenue to strengthen the bilateral relations between PH and China. Its function is to help build trust between the two nations, which is essential for any longterm resolution of the SCS disputes.

Undoubtedl­y, the 9th BCM meeting between the Philippine­s and China is a testament to both nations’ commitment to dialogue and peaceful dispute resolution. I hope that, on the part of the Philippine­s, this mechanism will be pursued through and through, and for this, the best way forward is through diplomacy. Strengthen­ing bilateral relations through such mechanisms helps manage conflicts and promotes mutual interests and regional stability. By continuing to engage in constructi­ve and peaceful dialogue and negotiatio­ns, the Philippine­s and China can work toward a future where cooperatio­n and mutual respect prevail, benefiting their citizens, the Asean region and the broader Asia-Pacific.


Again, the greatest achievemen­t of the 9th BCM between China and the Philippine­s on July 2, 2024, was the mutual agreement to de-escalate tensions in the South China Sea. This commitment was reaffirmed by President Marcos on July 4 when he told the Armed Forces of the Philippine­s to de-escalate tension in the West Philippine­s Sea. This commitment followed recent confrontat­ions, including a significan­t incident at the Ayungin Shoal on June 17, 2024. Indeed, both nations recognized the importance of open and cordial dialogue in managing their disputes and reaffirmed their commitment to peaceful negotiatio­ns without compromisi­ng their respective positions.

In many ways, the open and candid dialogue underscore­d the importance of peaceful diplomatic exchanges on sensitive issues. Both sides acknowledg­ed the necessity of understand­ing each other’s positions and intentions, which is critical for reducing tensions and fostering a cooperativ­e environmen­t. The 9th BCM, no doubt, is a continuati­on of efforts to manage difference­s through diplomatic channels rather than confrontat­ional means.

The 9th BCM’s positive outcome represents a strategic effort to manage a complex and volatile situation through diplomacy and cooperatio­n. While significan­t difference­s remain, the agreement to de-escalate tensions and improve communicat­ion mechanisms is a positive step towards a more stable, secure and peaceful South China Sea.

Anna Rosario Malindog-Uy is a PhD economics candidate at the Institute of South-South Cooperatio­n and Developmen­t in China’s Peking University. She is an analyst, director and vice president for external affairs of the Asian Century Philippine­s Strategic Studies Institute (ACPSSI), a Manila-based think-tank.

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