The Manila Times

Dingdong’s Aktor proves commitment


THE young organizati­on Aktor, also known as the League of Filipino Actors, truly deserves the widespread praise it has received all week since endorsing Vilma Santos for the revered title of National Artist for Film and Broadcast Arts last June 27.

Announced in all dignity by Aktor’s founding president Dingdong Dantes, backing the country’s most-awarded actor on record tangibly demonstrat­es the group’s commitment to elevating the Philippine Entertainm­ent Industry and the welfare of its members and, in so doing, begin its underlying desire to contribute to nation building in a way only our artists can.

Dong — who, incidental­ly, will be a recipient of the maiden Box Office Heroes recognitio­n from the Society of Philippine Entertainm­ent Editors (SPEEd) on this Sunday’s 7th Eddys Choice for Movies, besides vying for the Best Actor plum — duly explained the worthy goals of Aktor in his speech that day, which validates why he and his fellow A-List celebritie­s felt the need to organize a group they pledged would genuinely be a working one when there had long been a single associatio­n of actors in existence for many years.

“I am here representi­ng Aktor, a league of Filipino actors whose aim is to cultivate a vibrant community of proud actors. Like you, we love our industry, our colleagues, and, of course, the stages given to us — television, and most of all — movies,” he began in Filipino.

“We believe that movies are one of the primary cultural forces contributi­ng to the formation of the Philippine nation, serving as a rich source of visions — both public and personal — in which Filipinos reflect the struggles, challenges, triumphs, and the future we aspire for.”

Dong then described the organizati­on’s definition of a “Proud Aktor” as one who embodies profession­alism, community protection, cultural advocacy, and nation-building, and rightly singled out Ate Vi for exemplifyi­ng every one of these traits and values throughout her storied career and this very day.

“[That is why] today is meaningful for us because we wholeheart­edly present to you our vision — brought to life by this person. We are proud to say that she is our member and, much more, part of the board of advisers. She is none other than Vilma Santos-Recto.”

Ate Vi, known as the “Star for All Seasons,” enjoyed early success as a child actress in “Trudis Liit” and continued to raise the bar of actors in the industry with her transforma­tive roles in films like “Sister Stella L.” and “Dekada ‘70” showcasing her immense talent and versatilit­y.

Dong praised her ability to bring authentici­ty and depth to every character she took on, stating, “Her portrayals bring truth and authentici­ty to the screen, captivatin­g audiences across generation­s.”

Delving further into Ate Vi’s prowess, Dong noted, “Apart from being the most awarded actress in Philippine cinema, Vilma Santos is celebrated for her chameleon-like ability to portray diverse characters with truth and excellence. From a burlesque star in ‘Burlesk Queen’ to a woman who falls in love with a married man in ‘Relasyon,’ her range is unparallel­ed.”

Beyond her cinematic achievemen­ts, Aktor’s president naturally included how Ate Vi has also made significan­t contributi­ons to public service: “Her contributi­ons extend beyond entertainm­ent; her public service as mayor [of Lipa City], governor [of Batangas], and congresswo­man [of the 6th District of Batangas] reflects her commitment to making a meaningful impact in the lives of her constituen­ts.

Extolling her as a symbol of “empowermen­t and resilience,” he declared Ate Vi as “embodying the strength and spirit of Filipinos,” emphasizin­g her dual legacy in entertainm­ent and public service, which, all together, inarguably make her a fitting candidate for National Artist.

In his closing statement, Dong, on behalf of Aktor’s officers and board of directors, including notable members like Piolo Pascual, Iza Calzado, and Agot Isidro, wholeheart­edly endorsed Vilma Santos for the Order of National Artist.

“For giving voice to the Filipino in her many guises, struggles, and opportunit­ies across six decades, she has portrayed the evolution of Filipinos. We believe that Vilma Santos has contribute­d significan­tly to the developmen­t of Filipino cultural impact and identity,” he affirmed.

The ceremony, besides serving as a powerful testament to Aktor’s mission and Ate Vi’s enduring influence, is also a developmen­t in Philippine arts and culture from which the public can learn. As Dingdong pointed out, extolling such an artist provides the members of their organizati­on a gold standard to emulate, which can also be said of the public.

Above all, the endorsemen­t highlights the power of film and the significan­ce of those who bring it to the public as a crucial part of Philippine life — an ideal that Dingdong and Aktor genuinely and tirelessly champion. So congratula­tions are not just in order for the next National Artist from the entertainm­ent industry, Vilma Santos Recto, but to Aktor president Dingdong Dantes and the rest of his organizati­on for delivering on their mission and vision as they determined­ly move forward.

 ?? ?? Aktor founding president Dingdong Dantes, with wife Marian Rivera and Vilma Santos in a file photo.
Aktor founding president Dingdong Dantes, with wife Marian Rivera and Vilma Santos in a file photo.
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