The Manila Times

White House: No chance Biden will withdraw


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Joe Biden is “absolutely not” pulling out of the United States presidenti­al race, his spokesman said on Wednesday, as pressure mounted following his disastrous debate performanc­e against Donald Trump.

Panic has gripped Biden’s Democratic Party in the wake of last week’s television debate, and internal rumblings about finding a replacemen­t candidate before November’s election have been amplified by polls showing Trump extending his lead.

The New York Times and CNN reported that Biden, 81, had acknowledg­ed to a key ally that his reelection bid was on the line if he failed to quickly reassure the public that he was still up to the job.

White House spokesman Karine JeanPierre rejected those reports outright, insisting that Biden had no intention of withdrawin­g.

“The president is clear-eyed, and he is staying in the race,” she told reporters.

Biden told a call with campaign and party staffers that he was going nowhere.

“I’m in this race to the end, and we’re going to win because when Democrats unite, we will always win. Just as we beat Donald Trump in 2020, we’re going to beat him again in 2024,” he said, according to a source close to the campaign.

He repeated that message in an emergency meeting with Democratic governors, who pledged their continued support, attendees said afterward.

“As the president continued to tell us, and show us, that he was all in ... we said that we would stand with him,” Maryland Gov. Wes Moore, seen as a rising star and potential future presidenti­al candidate, told reporters alongside Minnesota’s Tim Walz and New York’s Kathy Hochul. Walz said Biden was “fit to serve.” Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who also attended the meeting at the White House and is seen as one of the top picks to replace Biden if he should drop out, said on X that “he is in it to win it, and I support him.”

Biden has admitted he performed poorly in the debate, and was blunt in a radio interview recorded Wednesday with Wisconsin’s Civic Media.

“I screwed up. I made a mistake. That’s 90 minutes onstage. Look at what I’ve done in 3.5 years,” he said.


The Biden campaign has been desperate to reassure Democratic donors and voters that the president’s performanc­e against Trump was a one-off.

But party figures have voiced bafflement over what they see as deflection and excuses from the president and his aides.

Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings, one of the Democratic Party’s biggest donors, told the New York Times that Biden should withdraw.

“Biden needs to step aside to allow a vigorous Democratic leader to beat Trump and keep us safe and prosperous,” he said in an email to the paper.

The concern was compounded by a New York Times poll conducted after the debate that showed Trump with his biggest lead ever over Biden — 49 percent to 43 percent of likely voters.

It wasn’t until Wednesday — six days after the debate — that Biden completed a round of calls with Democratic congressio­nal leaders, and staffers have also voiced consternat­ion over the glacial pace of the outreach.

“We are getting to the point where it may not have been the debate that did him in, but the aftermath of how they’ve handled it,” a senior Democratic operative told Washington political outlet Axios.

Biden may be tested on his ability to think on his feet when he sits with ABC News on Friday for his first TV interview since the debate, and he will also hit the swing states of Wisconsin and Pennsylvan­ia in the coming days.

United States President Joe Biden during a Medal of Honor ceremony in the East Room of the White House in Washington, D.C., on July 3, 2024.
AFP PHOTO DEFLATED DEMOCRAT United States President Joe Biden during a Medal of Honor ceremony in the East Room of the White House in Washington, D.C., on July 3, 2024.

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