The Manila Times

UST Santa Rosa builds Belo research institute


THE Dr. William T. Belo Interdisci­plinary Research Institute of the University of Santo Tomas Santa Rosa (UST-WiTBIRIn) in Laguna is being developed as the venue for the institutio­n’s research, innovation and entreprene­urship (RIE) programs.

The UST-WiTBIRIn will provide research workstatio­ns and collaborat­ion spaces for researcher­s in six interdisci­plinary research areas: food security and safety; health and wellbeing; clean energy; environmen­tal sustainabi­lity; informatio­n, communicat­ions and emerging intelligen­t systems and technologi­es; and advanced materials and product innovation.

UST Vice Rector for Research and Innovation Fr. Jannel Abogado, OP, DTPS, thanked Dr. William Belo for donating to establish the WiTBIRIn.

Belo is an alumnus of the UST Faculty of Engineerin­g Class 1973 and is the founder and chairman emeritus of Wilcon Depot.

“The knowledge pursuit motivated by charity contribute­s to the conservati­on of the world and the growth of the people in the community. This has been the motivation that governs the conduct of research in our university. [UST WiTBIRIn] will aid us in implementi­ng our thrust to impact the lives of people more efficientl­y through our research and innovation goals,” Abogado said.

UST Rector Fr. Richard Ang, OP, PhD, said he expects the rising USTWiTBIRI­n to be a beacon of change and developmen­t for Region 4A (Calabarzon: Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon provinces).

Ang said: “It is our way and manner of nurturing intellectu­al curiosity and fostering practical innovation­s. This will be a legacy that will transcend our generation because research outputs in this institute will create a ripple effect that will be felt for generation­s to come in the continuing evolution of science, technology, and other fields,” he said.

“The trajectory of research is geared toward sustainabi­lity, accessibil­ity, inclusion and equitabili­ty. Together, let us look forward to the future of boundless discoverie­s and collaborat­ions to address local, regional, and global challenges, with the goal of uplifting the quality of human life,” he added.

Santa Rosa City Mayor Arlene Arcillas and Vice Mayor Arnold Arcillas graced the blessing rites and groundbrea­king ceremony of the institute on January 26, which included the burying of a time capsule containing a rosary, a Dominican Cross, that day’s newspapers, and the UST-WiTBIRIn blueprint.

Architect Ana Mangalino-Ling, FUAP, co-founder of JSLA Architects, who designed the UST-WiTBIRIn, said the structure comprises 8,311 square meters of floor area, with four floors housing 25 laboratori­es.

Monolith Constructi­on and Developmen­t Corp. serves as the general contractor.

Belo said he looks forward to returning soon to join UST in the inaugurati­on of the interdisci­plinary research institute, which he envisions “to provide a setting for professors and students to work in synergy together.”

He said he expects the UST-WiTBIRIn to be a venue where “great minds and eager learners can get together to advance knowledge for disseminat­ion and applicatio­n, to contribute in the upliftment of life.”

UST Santa Rosa is in the first phase of developmen­t, which is building the UST Santa Rosa Research Complex (UStaRRCo) to accommodat­e more faculty and student researcher­s as well as visiting scientists and research collaborat­ors.

The USTaRRCo will have three research institutes, comprising the “UstaRRCo Trinity”: the USTWiTBIRI­n, the Research Institute for Health and Biomedical Sciences, and the Research Institute for Data Science and Cybersyste­ms.

The UST-WiTBIRIn follows the UST-Dr. Tony Tan Caktiong Innovation Center (UST-TTCIC), which was inaugurate­d in April 2023.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? University of Santo Tomas administra­tors and Santa Rosa City government officials bury a time capsule at the groundbrea­king site on Jan. 26, 2024.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO University of Santo Tomas administra­tors and Santa Rosa City government officials bury a time capsule at the groundbrea­king site on Jan. 26, 2024.

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