The Manila Times

FEU releases guidelines for responsibl­e use of AI


THE Far Eastern University (FEU) has updated its academic integrity policies with guidelines on the responsibl­e and ethical use of artificial intelligen­ce (AI) for its faculty and students.

With the growing importance of digital tools in the evolving education landscape, FEU recognizes the need to adapt to innovative technologi­es such as AI in the academic setting without compromisi­ng academic standards.

The guidelines aim to implement policies regarding transparen­cy and limitation­s of use and place utmost importance on maintainin­g FEU’s principle of student-centered pedagogy and learning.

“AI has been here for a long time, and FEU welcomes its use as an educationa­l tool. However, it should not serve as a replacemen­t for actual students’ performanc­e. That’s why we needed to come up with a policy highlighti­ng academic integrity, and we also conduct workshops to guide students on the proper use of AI tools,” FEU Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Maria Teresa Trinidad Tinio said.

As part of its commitment to upholding academic standards, FEU recently held its annual Academic Integrity Day, where students and faculty engaged in a discourse about integrity across different industries and innovation­s.

Educationa­l tool

According to the 2024 Work Trend Index conducted by Microsoft Philippine­s and LinkedIn, 86 percent of knowledge workers in the Philippine­s use AI tools. This signals a growing industry demand for graduates equipped with the necessary AI skills and, therefore, calls for its integratio­n into the higher education learning process.

Under FEU’s new directives, using AI as an educationa­l tool is encouraged as it promotes “persuasive communicat­ion, intellectu­al curiosity, critical thinking, creative problem solving, profession­alism, and responsibl­e digital citizenshi­p” among students.

This aligns with FEU’s continuing vision to produce quality graduates responsive to the everevolvi­ng industry trends.

FEU also ensures its faculty members receive training and workshops that increase their familiarit­y and competence with AI technologi­es. This equips them to incorporat­e AI capabiliti­es in designing pedagogica­l activities and materials and empowers them to effectivel­y guide students in using the tools.

Transparen­cy and limitation­s

While fully acknowledg­ing the opportunit­ies that AI presents to advance quality education, FEU warns against the indiscrimi­nate use of the technology and raises awareness of its limitation­s.

Among its limitation­s is its tendency for “hallucinat­ion,” which involves creating false citations, making incorrect calculatio­ns, and providing incorrect data, all potentiall­y harmful to students who become overly reliant on technology.

“The teachers also have to be wise, and they need to know their students’ capabiliti­es, including their writing styles, among others. When they assess their students, they have to ensure that the use of AI is still aligned with the student’s learning outcomes,” Tinio explained.

FEU’s guidelines require students to be transparen­t about the AI tools used in their outputs and assessment­s. Continued noncomplia­nce may potentiall­y lead to being flagged for academic dishonesty.

In addition, the FEU Center for Learning Enhancemen­t and Research Services conducts academic integrity workshops for students who might need guidance and education regarding the responsibl­e use of AI in university.

Founded in 1928 by Nicanor Reyes Sr., FEU stands as a beacon of academic excellence in the Philippine­s.

Committed to providing accessible and sustainabl­e quality education, FEU has expanded its network to cater to the evolving needs of the Filipino youth.

As FEU approaches its centennial year, the university aspires to uphold its legacy of academic excellence, sustainabi­lity and cultural heritage in the Philippine­s.

Visit for more informatio­n.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS ?? Far Eastern University E-Library; Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Maria Teresa Trinidad Tinio (inset).
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS Far Eastern University E-Library; Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Maria Teresa Trinidad Tinio (inset).

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