The Manila Times

Dar now leads Isaaa


FORMER agricultur­e secretary William Dar has been appointed chairman of the Internatio­nal Service for the Acquisitio­n of Agri-biotech Applicatio­ns (Isaaa), a NONPROkT ORGANIZATI­ON DISSEMInat­ing bioscience technologi­es to key stakeholde­rs, particular­ly resource-poor farmers in developing countries.

In its website, Isaaa said Dar succeeds Paul Teng, who has been THE CHAIRMAN OF THE ORGANIZATI­ON from 2013 to June 1, 2024.

“Isaaa Inc. welcomes Dr. William D. Dar, former Secretary of the Philippine Department of Agricultur­e (DA), as the new chair of Isaaa Board of Trustees. During his term as the DA Secretary under President Joseph Estrada’s administra­tion (1998-1999), the agricultur­al sector of the Philippine­s recorded a 9.6-percent growth, an achievemen­t that has never been achieved until today,” Isaaa said.

Dar, who wrote columns for The Manila Times, said he envisions Isaaa to become a knowledge center for agricultur­al biotechnol­ogy in Asia and Oceana.

“I envision Isaaa Inc. as: The premier knowledge center of agricultur­al biotechnol­ogy in Asia and Oceania. Informatio­n sharing, capacity building support and building partnershi­ps are key strategies,” he added.

Dar was also agricultur­e secretary for nearly three years during the Duterte administra­tion that saw the Philippine­s attain record palay (unmilled rice) yields of 19.29 million metric tons (MT) and 19.96 million MT in 2020 and 2021, respective­ly.

He also was the secretaryg­eneral of the Internatio­nal Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics from 1999 to 2014, which saw the center make A SIGNIkCANT IMPACT ON PARTS OF India and Africa considered to be semi-arid or short on water.

For his part, Teng has been the dean and managing director of the National Institute of Education Internatio­nal at Nanyang Technologi­cal University in Singapore since 2018 and had stints with the WorldFish Center and the Internatio­nal Rice Research Institute.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? Former agricultur­e secretary William Dar has been appointed the chairman of the Internatio­nal Service for the Acquisitio­n of Agri-biotech Applicatio­ns.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO Former agricultur­e secretary William Dar has been appointed the chairman of the Internatio­nal Service for the Acquisitio­n of Agri-biotech Applicatio­ns.

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