The Manila Times

Myanmar refutes UN report on weapons deal


MYANMAR’s central bank denied a report by the United Nations that the country’s military government can still access money and weapons for its war against anti-coup FORCES, SAYING fiNANCIAL INSTITUTIO­NS under the bank’s supervisio­n followed prescribed procedures.

The Central Bank of Myanmar “expressed our strong objection to the UN Special Rapporteur’s report,” it said in a statement published in a junta newspaper on Saturday.

“The UN report severely harms the interests of Myanmar civilians and the relationsh­ip between Myanmar and other countries.”

The rapporteur on Myanmar’s human rights, Tom Andrews, reported on Wednesday that while internatio­nal efforts to isolate the junta appear to have dented its ability to buy military equipment, it still imported $253 million worth of weapons, dual-use technologi­es, manufactur­ing equipment and other materials in the 12 months to March.

The report said Myanmar had the help of internatio­nal banks, including those from Southeast Asian neighbor Thailand, for its purchases.

Facing its biggest challenge since its 2021 coup against Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi’s government, Myanmar’s military is caught up in multiple, lowINTENSI­TY CONflICTS AND GRAPPLING to stabilize a crumbling economy.

Western countries have imposed MULTIPLE fiNANCIAL SANCTIONS ON Myanmar’s military, banks and associated businesses.

The central bank said local and internatio­nal banks engaged in transactio­ns with Myanmar have undergone comprehens­ive due diligence measures for all business relationsh­ips and transactio­ns.

“The financial transactio­ns are only for the importatio­n of essential goods and basic necessitie­s for Myanmar civilians, such as medicines and medical supplies, agricultur­al and livestock supplies, fertilizer­s, edible oil and fuels,” it said.

The UN report said exports from Singapore had plunged to just over $10 million from over $110 million in 2022 but that Thai companies IN THAILAND PARTIALLY fiLLED THE GAP, transferri­ng $120 million worth of weapons and materials in 2023, double from the previous year.

Thailand’s foreign ministry said in a statement on Thursday that THE COUNTRY’S BANKING AND fiNANcial institutio­ns follow protocols LIKE OTHER MAJOR fiNANCIAL HUBS, adding the government will look into the UN rapporteur’s report.

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