The Manila Times

1 in 8 people obese; WHO points out risks


ONE in eight people is living with obesity, the World Health Organizati­on (WHO) said as it outlined the numerous health risks associated with being obese, emphasizin­g that it can have detrimenta­l effects on vital organs and systems in the body.

“It affects the heart, liver, kidneys, joints and reproducti­ve system,” WHO said.

According to a study by The Lancet, obesity rates have significan­tly increased worldwide from 1990 to 2022. During the period, obesity rates rose in 81 percent of countries for women and 70 percent of countries for men. The uptrend is evident among children, with obesity rates increasing in 70 percent of countries for girls and 69 percent for boys.

Being overweight significan­tly impacts health, leading to severe conditions like cardiovasc­ular disease, type 2 diabetes, musculoske­letal disorders such as osteoarthr­itis, and certain cancers like endometria­l, breast and colon, said WHO.

It stressed that health issues can result in premature death and substantia­l disability. The risk of health problems begins with being slightly overweight and increases as weight rises, causing long-term suffering for individual­s and families and incurring high healthcare costs.

The UN agency said obesity can be prevented by achieving an energy balance between calories consumed and calories used.

This can be done by limiting total fat intake, shifting from saturated to unsaturate­d fats, increasing consumptio­n of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts, and reducing sugar intake.

Additional­ly, increasing physical activity to at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days can help manage weight and improve health, said WHO.

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