The Manila Times

Aerial attack launched vs rebels


THE Philippine Army on Thursday repulsed members of the New People’s Army (NPA) reportedly planning to sow violence in the hinterland­s of Alfonso Castañeda, Nueva Vizcaya.

After decades of silence and free from the clutches of the communist terrorist group (CTG), inhabitant­s were once again tormented after planes launched aerial attacks on the NPA in Sitio Marikit East in Barangay Abuyo.

The Army’s 84th Infantry Battalion (84IB) along with the 703rd Infantry Brigade (703IB) said the brief bombardmen­t of enemy positions was to disorient, disperse, and inflict casualties on the NPA.

At least 49 families were evacuated to safer areas.

The Army reported that prior to the combat and aerial operations, the people in the community reported the presence and criminal activities of CTGs in the area.

Lt. Col. Jerald Reyes, commander of the 84IB, said the informatio­n cited the CTGs strong position in the mountainou­s area of Alfonso Castañeda, prompting them to conduct aerial operations.

The NPA rebels, he said, were believed to be heavily armed and emanating from the Kilusang Larangang Guerrilla Tarlac-Zambales that regrouped themselves for specific target areas declared in a state of stable internal peace and security.

The forested ridges of Alfonso Castañeda were a former hotbed of the NPA during the insurgency menace in 1980 but was liberated after government forces relentless­ly drove them from the mountain in a series of battles.

“The Army, as the protector of the people and as part of our sworn mandate, responded to the concerns of the community as the CTG was harassing them. In response, conducted combat and aerial operations to locate the enemy to prevent them from harming the civilians,” Reyes said.

Soldiers continue to preserve the peace, security, and developmen­t in active cooperatio­n with the Philippine National Police, the local government unit (LGU) of Alfonso Castañeda, and the community.

“We thank the local officials of Barangay Abuyo for initiating loudspeake­r operations in their community to calm the residents and help the families evacuate to a safer place,” he said.

Meanwhile, Brig. Gen. Joseph Norwin Pasamonte, commander of the 703rd IB, condemns the criminal activities of the CTGs in Alfonso Castañeda as it harmed peace-loving communitie­s.

“Our top priority is the safety of the people in the community. We assured the public that no innocent civilians were hurt during the operation. A total of 49 families were safely evacuated with the assistance of the Alfonso Castañeda LGU,” Pasamonte said.

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