The Manila Times

Village officials told to perform with integrity


SEN. Bong Go has urged local accounting clerks and barangay and Sanggunian­g Kabataan officials in Mindanao to uphold ethical practices consistent­ly as he underscore­d the significan­ce of fiscal discipline and integrity in local governance.

“As custodians of the nation’s treasury, your role is not just important; it is absolutely critical for the developmen­t of our community and the future of our country,” said Go during the 16th Mindanao Geographic­al Conference of the Philippine Associatio­n of Local Government Accountant­s in Mati City, Davao Oriental on Wednesday.

Reflecting on his past experience­s working with former president Rodrigo Duterte, he shared “I always remember his advice to me: ‘Do what is right.’

“This has consistent­ly guided me in every decision, serving as my inspiratio­n, especially when facing the challenges of public service.”

The senator also addressed the youth, particular­ly Sanggunian­g Kabataan officials and treasurers, encouragin­g them to continue serving with integrity.

“You, the youth, are the next generation of leaders. I urge you to continue serving with integrity and a genuine concern for our country,” he said, pointing towards the future of leadership in local governance.

The senator then delved into his legislativ­e efforts, and specifical­ly highlighte­d Senate Bill (SB) 197, the Magna Carta for Barangay, which is designed to provide salaries and benefits to barangay officials that are at par with other government personnel.

He also mentioned SB 427, or the Barangay Health Workers Act, which proposes a monthly honorarium and benefits for village health staff.

Go also cited the enactment of Republic Act 11466, or Salary Standardiz­ation 5, which he authored and co-sponsored, and his advocacy for the subsequent Salary Standardiz­ation Law 6 to aid government workers amid current economic challenges.

The lawmaker also took the opportunit­y to discuss his newly filed SB 2538, the Magna Carta of Government Accountant­s, and SB 2536, which aims to establish the Government Accountanc­y Office under the Department of Budget and Management. These initiative­s are designed to enhance the efficiency and accountabi­lity of government financial management.

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