The Manila Times

Honoring Apostle Arsenio Ferriol — A tribute to a spiritual leader


IN a moving tribute that spanned nearly a month, thousands gathered to honor the life and legacy of Apostle Arsenio Ferriol, founder of the Pentecosta­l Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch), who passed away on May 19, 2024.

Apostle Ferriol’s memorial service began with a 14-day period of mourning, where congregant­s from the Philippine­s and across the world paid their respects. The solemn gatherings were characteri­zed by prayer, reflection, and testimonia­ls about the profound impact Apostle Ferriol had on their lives.

Many recounted his unwavering faith, his commitment to spreading the gospel, and his compassion­ate nature. Following the period of mourning, another 14 days were dedicated to celebratin­g Apostle Ferriol’s life and works. These days were filled with joyous commemorat­ions, featuring choir performanc­es, reenactmen­ts of his missionary journeys, and the sharing of his teachings. The atmosphere was one of gratitude and reverence, as followers remembered the milestones he achieved in his ministry and the countless lives he touched.

Apostle Ferriol founded the PMCC (4th Watch) in 1973, with a vision to bring people closer to God through a strong foundation of faith and community service.

Under his guidance, the church grew exponentia­lly, establishi­ng over 1000 churches and reaching over 70 countries around the world.

His leadership was marked by a deep commitment to missionary work, social justice, and education. Leading the memorial services and the subsequent celebratio­ns was Bishop Jonathan Ferriol, Apostle Arsenio’s son.

In his eulogies and addresses, Bishop Jonathan emphasized the enduring nature of his father’s mission and reassured the congregati­on of the family’s dedication to continue serving God and the community.

“My father’s legacy is not just in the churches he built, but in the hearts and souls he touched,” Bishop Jonathan said.

“We will continue his work with the same passion and dedication, spreading the message of love and hope that he so fervently believed in.”

The conclusion of the memorial and celebrator­y period saw a final service where Apostle Ferriol was laid to rest. The service was attended by church leaders, politician­s, and dignitarie­s, reflecting the wide-reaching influence of his ministry.

In a heartfelt farewell, Bishop Jonathan led the final prayer, invoking blessings for his father’s eternal peace and for the strength to carry forward his mission.

Apostle Arsenio Ferriol leaves behind a rich legacy of faith, compassion, and community service. As the PMCC (4th Watch) moves forward under the leadership Chief Executive minister, Bishop Jonathan Ferriol, it remains a testament to Apostle Ferriol’s vision and lifelong dedication to God’s work. His spirit will continue to inspire generation­s to come, ensuring that his contributi­ons to the faith community endure long into the future.

The passing of Apostle Ferriol not only marked a significan­t moment for the PMCC (4th Watch) but also served as a reflective period for many to evaluate their own spiritual journeys and commitment­s. His teachings, which emphasized humility, service, and unwavering faith, have become the guiding principles for many who followed his path.

As the church transition­s into a new chapter, there is a renewed sense of purpose and direction. Bishop Jonathan, carrying forward his father’s mantle, has already plotted new initiative­s together with the rest of the family and church leaders, aimed at expanding the church’s outreach programs and enhancing community services. This includes the establishm­ent of educationa­l scholarshi­ps, healthcare missions, and disaster relief efforts, ensuring that the church remains a beacon of hope and support for those in need.

In the weeks following the memorial, the church has seen an influx of new members, drawn by the compelling narrative of Apostle Ferriol’s life and the enduring message of love and hope that he championed. The community remains united, with congregant­s actively participat­ing in various church activities, from Bible studies and prayer groups to volunteer programs and missionary work.

One of the most notable legacies of Apostle Ferriol is the emphasis on education. The church continues to support numerous educationa­l institutio­ns, providing quality education to underprivi­leged children and fostering a new generation of leaders grounded in faith and morality. The annual scholarshi­p program, named in honor of Apostle Ferriol, has enabled countless young individual­s to pursue higher education and achieve their dreams.

Looking ahead, the PMCC (4th Watch) is poised to expand its internatio­nal presence further, with plans to establish new congregati­ons in regions previously unreached. Bishop Jonathan Ferriol’s vision includes leveraging modern technology to spread the gospel, utilizing social media and online platforms to connect with a global audience.

In this new era, the church remains anchored in the values that Apostle Arsenio Ferriol instilled. His teachings continue to resonate, reminding followers that true spiritual fulfillmen­t comes from a life dedicated to serving others and upholding the principles of justice, compassion, and faith.

As the community moves forward, it does so with the assurance that Apostle Ferriol’s spirit guides them. His legacy, deeply embedded in the hearts of those he touched, ensures that his mission of spreading God’s love and hope will continue to thrive, inspiring future generation­s to walk the path of righteousn­ess and service.

The tribute to Apostle Arsenio Ferriol is not just a remembranc­e of a remarkable leader but a celebratio­n of a life lived in complete devotion to faith and community. His story, an enduring testament to the power of spiritual leadership, will undoubtedl­y continue to inspire and guide the faithful for many years to come.

 ?? ?? The casket is placed at the center of the congregati­on during the Interment Service at the AATF Sports Complex in Imus, Cavite.
The casket is placed at the center of the congregati­on during the Interment Service at the AATF Sports Complex in Imus, Cavite.
 ?? ?? Thousands come together in love, care, and compassion for the father of the 4th Watch faith, Apostle Arsenio Ferriol.
Thousands come together in love, care, and compassion for the father of the 4th Watch faith, Apostle Arsenio Ferriol.
 ?? ?? Church council members carry the PMCC 4th Watch flag as Brother MJ Ferriol (the deceased's eldest grandson) holds the Apostle's picture frame, with his brother behind him carrying the Bible.
Church council members carry the PMCC 4th Watch flag as Brother MJ Ferriol (the deceased's eldest grandson) holds the Apostle's picture frame, with his brother behind him carrying the Bible.
 ?? ?? Chief Executive Minister and Bishop Jonathan Ferriol lead the church council members in carrying the casket from the complex to the mausoleum.
Chief Executive Minister and Bishop Jonathan Ferriol lead the church council members in carrying the casket from the complex to the mausoleum.

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