The Manila Times

P9M assistance released for Nueva Vizcaya


BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya — The Department of Labor and Employment (DoLE) has partnered with the provincial government here in the release of P9 million for employment programs.

The DoLE allocated the fund for the province’s Tulong Panghanapb­uhay sa Ating Disadvanta­ged/ Displaced Workers (Tupad) and Government Internship Program (GIP) programs of the national government.

Governor Jose Gambito said the Public Employment Service Division (PESD) headed by Dolly Rose Minas is overseeing the implementa­tion of the said programs to ensure that they run smoothly and effectivel­y benefit the intended recipients.

“The program is designed to provide young individual­s with valuable work experience in the public service sector, both in local and national government units, serving as a training ground for future government employees,” Gambito said.

Minas said that from the P9 million fund, P1.1 million has been designated to support 20 beneficiar­ies UNDER THE GIP.

She explained that this government-run program offers youth ages 18 to 30, including high school students, technical-vocational institute attendees, college graduates, and out-of-school youth “the chance to engage in a six-month up to one-year internship.”

Minas said there are 20 GIP beneficiar­ies which include two cum laude graduates who have undergone an orientatio­n session and will be assigned to different offices BASED ON THEIR educationa­l qualificat­ions.

she said each beneficiar­y will receive a daily stipend of P450 with their contracts set to run until December 2024.

“There have been a lot of GIP beneficiar­ies in the previous years and some of them have been hired as regular employees of the provincial government,” said Minas.

Meanwhile, the remaining P7.9 million has been allocated for the Tupad program.

The Tupad program is a community-based package of assistance that offers emergency employment for displaced, underemplo­yed and seasonal workers for a minimum period of 10 days but not exceeding a maximum of 90 days, depending on the nature of the work to be performed.

“The program aims to provide temporary employment for 1,549 beneficiar­ies from the municipali­ties of Aritao, Ambaguio and Diadi,” Gambito said.

He said the beneficiar­ies will work for 10 days with a P450 daily stipend.

Expressing his optimism about the implementa­tion of these programs, Gambito said the provincial government is dedicated “to providing opportunit­ies for our constituen­ts to enhance their skills and gain valuable work experience.”

“These programs will not only benefit the individual­s involved but also contribute to the developmen­t of a skilled workforce in Nueva Vizcaya,” he added.

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