The Manila Times

Ex-Negros governor Pryde Teves arrested


FORMER Negros Oriental governor Pryde Henry Teves, brother of expelled congressma­n Arnolfo Teves Jr., was arrested on Thursday in Dumaguete City for terrorism charges.

The Department of Justice (DoJ) said Teves, 51, was apprehende­d by the Criminal Investigat­ion and Detection Group (CIDG) at 8:15 a.m. in the village of Taclobo in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental.

His arrest warrant was issued by the Seventh Judicial Region,

Branch 74 of Cebu City, on May 13, 2024. The court has set his bail at P200,000.

The former governor was tagged as “most wanted person in provincial level 1 and regional level 1.”

Teves was accused of violating the Terrorism Financing Prevention

and Suppressio­n Act of 2012.

Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said the former governor’s arrest showed the government’s “resolute commitment to fighting terrorism and upholding the rule of law.”

Teves, his brother and 12 others were designated as terrorists by the Anti-Terrorism Council (ATC) last year for their alleged involvemen­t in the planning, training, preparing and facilitati­ng the terrorist activities; recruitmen­t to and membership in a terrorist organizati­on; and providing material support to terrorists.

“The CIDG’s diligent efforts have ensured that those who threaten peace and security are brought to justice,” Remulla said.

Pryde’s brother, Arnolfo, is in Timor-Leste, where he is seeking asylum. He was accused as the mastermind in the killing of Negros Oriental governor Roel Degamo and five others in 2023.

Days after the massacre, police raided the sugar mill in Santa Catalina town in Negros Oriental reportedly owned by Pryde and confiscate­d an estimated P18 million in cash, multiple firearms and thousands of live ammunition.

 ?? PHOTO COURTESY OF CIDG ?? Former governor Pryde Henry Teves (center).
PHOTO COURTESY OF CIDG Former governor Pryde Henry Teves (center).

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