The Manila Times

Geronimo Law: Rooting out undesirabl­e aliens the legal way


“BLACKLISTI­NG, deportatio­n, extraditio­n, raid, entrapment, arrest, hold departure order, bank account freeze order — these are just some of the tools in the legal arsenal to keep illegal and undesirabl­e aliens out,” said the founder of Geronimo Law, Russell Stanley Geronimo, in a recent interview.

“Blacklisti­ng is our first line of defense,” Geronimo explained. “By placing individual­s on a blacklist, we prevent them from entering the country right from the start. This measure is crucial for maintainin­g national security and ensuring that potential threats are kept at bay.”

When it came to dealing with those who have already entered the country, the lawyer emphasized the importance of deportatio­n. Extraditio­n would be another powerful method in Geronimo Law’s arsenal.

The conversati­on also touched on more direct actions such as raids and entrapment. “Raids, conducted in coordinati­on with law enforcemen­t agencies, allow us to apprehend individual­s involved in illegal activities. Entrapment — though more controvers­ial — is effective when done within the bounds of the law.”

Legal mechanisms such as hold departure orders and bank account freeze orders were also discussed.

Geronimo concluded by reiteratin­g the firm’s commitment to national security: “At Geronimo Law, our top priority is the safety and security of the Philippine­s. Through a combinatio­n of legal expertise, strategic planning and close collaborat­ion with authoritie­s, we ensure that those who pose a threat to our nation are effectivel­y managed and removed. We will continue to employ every legal tool at our disposal to achieve this goal.”

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D IMAGE ?? ■ Geronimo Law promises to uphold national security through legal measures against unwanted aliens.
CONTRIBUTE­D IMAGE ■ Geronimo Law promises to uphold national security through legal measures against unwanted aliens.

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