The Manila Times

#InDemandPH: Empowering futures, transformi­ng industries


IN the dynamic landscape of the Philippine workforce, readiness for the future is not just a goal; it’s a necessity. #InDemandPH, a groundbrea­king initiative spearheade­d by Bayan Academy with the generous support of JPMorgan Chase and Co., stands as a beacon of change.

#InDemandPH has left an indelible mark, equipping over 13,000 individual­s with essential skills across priority sectors: informatio­n technology (IT) and business process management, constructi­on, manufactur­ing, and transporta­tion and logistics.

The heart of #InDemandPH lies in its ability to understand the workforce’s challenges and provide tailored solutions, ensuring participan­ts become not just skilled but highly sought after in their respective fields.

Carlo Godoy, a 30-year-old IT Specialist at the Philippine Navy, has found his calling through #InDemandPH. Alongside his team, Godoy has spearheade­d innovative research titled “Cybersecur­ity scientomet­ric analysis: Mapping of scientific articles using Scopus API for data mining and web scraping.”

Beyond individual success stories, #InDemandPH has reshaped industries and strengthen­ed partnershi­ps. With an impressive 11,000 participan­ts earning credential­s, certificat­ions or licensure, employabil­ity has soared.

The journey of #InDemandPH has begun with a vision to revolution­ize vocational education. Collaborat­ing with the Technical Education and Skills Developmen­t Authority, the program aligns with industry needs and market demands, laying the groundwork for a skilled workforce poised for the future.

With #InDemandPH, the impact extends far beyond skills training. It’s about creating pathways to prosperity, uplifting communitie­s and driving economic developmen­t. As the program continues to evolve, its legacy of transforma­tion resonates across industries.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? ■ Carlo Godoy, informatio­n technology specialist at the Philippine Navy, applies his knowledge from #InDemandPH’s Data Analytics course to a research paper about cybersecur­ity using scientomet­ric analysis.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ■ Carlo Godoy, informatio­n technology specialist at the Philippine Navy, applies his knowledge from #InDemandPH’s Data Analytics course to a research paper about cybersecur­ity using scientomet­ric analysis.

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