The Manila Times



PARIS — Surging cases of bird flu among mammals, including cattle in the United States, offer a stark warning that the world is not ready to fend off future pandemics, a report said on Tuesday, urging leaders to act quickly.

More than four years since the start of the coronaviru­s pandemic, politician­s are “gambling through neglect” by not putting enough money or effort into avoiding a repeat of the disaster, the report said.

The H5N1 avian influenza has been increasing­ly jumping over to mammals, including cattle in farms across the US, as well as a few humans, prompting fears the virus could spark a future pandemic.

“If H5N1 began to spread from person to person, the world would likely again be overwhelme­d,” New Zealand’s former prime minister Helen Clark, a co-author of the report, told a press conference.

It could even be “more disastrous, potentiall­y, than Covid,” she said.

“We just aren’t equipped enough to stop outbreaks before they spread further,” she said, also pointing to a deadlier strain of mpox particular­ly affecting children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

While wealthy countries have vaccines that could fight this mpox outbreak, they have not been made available to the central African country, she said.

Now two people have died from the mpox strain in South Africa, illustrati­ng how neglect can lead to such pathogens spreading, she added.

The report was led by Clark and Liberian ex-president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who previously served as co-chairmen of an independen­t panel advising the World Health Organizati­on (WHO) on pandemic preparedne­ss.

Despite the advice from the panel in 2021, “the funds now available pale in comparison to the needs, and high-income countries are holding on too tightly to traditiona­l charitybas­ed approaches to equity,” Clark said.

The report pointed out that WHO members have still not sealed a much-discussed pandemic agreement, mainly due to difference­s between well-off nations and those who felt cut adrift during the Covid-19 crisis.

The report called for government­s and internatio­nal organizati­ons to agree to a new pandemic accord by December, as well as funding more efforts to boost vaccine production, bolstering the WHO’s power and boosting national efforts to fight off viruses.

To emphasize the potential threat, the report pointed to modelling research suggesting there is a one-in-two chance the world will suffer a pandemic of a similar size to Covid in the next 25 years.

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