The Manila Times

PhilHealth increases benefits for neonatal sepsis, bronchial asthma


EFFECTIVE May 1, 2024, the Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) is implementi­ng another round of enhancemen­ts in two of its existing benefit packages; this time, for neonatal sepsis and bronchial asthma, which have been increased heftily by more than 100 percent.

PhilHealth circulars 2024-0008 and 0009, the implementi­ng guidelines of these two case rate packages, prescribe that all patients admitted on May 1, 2024 onwards may avail themselves of the increased benefits in accredited health facilities.

PhilHealth President and Chief Executive Officer Emmanuel Ledesma Jr. says: “The PhilHealth Board has approved the increase in package rate for neonatal sepsis to P25,793 from P11,700 and bronchial asthma in acute exacerbati­on to P22,488 from P9,000. The increase translates to 120 percent and 150 percent, respective­ly.”

Neonatal sepsis and other infectious conditions are among the leading causes of neonatal deaths in the Philippine­s. In 2023, PhilHealth has paid P733.86 million for more than 57,000 cases for the said condition.

On the other hand, asthma remains to be a high-burden ailment in the Philippine­s despite medical advancemen­ts. The majority of Filipinos with asthma do not have adequate control over their conditions, resulting in confinemen­t.

Based on PhilHealth data for 2023, asthma ranks eighth among the top medical confinemen­ts paid by the state insurer where P717 million have been paid for more than 90,000 cases of asthma.

PhilHealth reminds its members that the adjusted case rates can be availed of in Levels 1 to 3 accredited public and private health facilities nationwide.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) President and Chief Executive Officer Emmanuel Ledesma Jr. hopes the enhancemen­ts in PhilHealth’s benefit packages will bring positive impact in the behavior of Filipinos in seeking medical attention.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) President and Chief Executive Officer Emmanuel Ledesma Jr. hopes the enhancemen­ts in PhilHealth’s benefit packages will bring positive impact in the behavior of Filipinos in seeking medical attention.

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