The Manila Times

North’s surfing spot goes sustainabl­e


SAN Juan town in La Union province has been called the “surfing capital of the north.” At the same time, the hundreds of tourist establishm­ents in its area contribute to locally generated waste materials. As a solution, Athena Executive Services launched Pawi-Can: A Sustainabl­e Waste Management Project to promote responsibl­e waste management while fostering environmen­tal stewardshi­p among locals and tourists alike.

Athena unveiled special turtle bins designed by visual artist and La Union native John Parmisano, strategica­lly placing them in hightraffi­c areas frequented by tourists and remote workers in Barangay Urbiztondo in San Juan Beach. The launch also featured a coral reef planting workshop in partnershi­p with EcoSurf, a local surfing instructor group and freedivers who are also into environmen­tal advocacy.

Other partners supporting the Pawi-Can project are the San Juan Resort and Hotel Associatio­n Inc., the Dragon 8 Junkshop and the local government unit of San Juan, a town that has a clean beach, a surfing area and a seabed rich in aquatic life.

Victoria Alcachupas, Athena chief marketing officer, acknowledg­ed that “La Union has always been a hallmark for sustainabl­e tourism and environmen­tal protection.” She said that the Pawi-Can Project emphasizes their commitment to responsibl­e plastic disposal and recycling, while also serving as a call for individual­s to join the cause.

San Juan Mayor Arturo Valdriz said that he hopes the project will encourage both locals and beachgoers to “develop greater awareness of their waste disposal habits, keeping our precious waters clean.”

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? Environmen­tal influencer Aya Fernandez in a coral reef planting workshop.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO Environmen­tal influencer Aya Fernandez in a coral reef planting workshop.
 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? The Pawi-Can trash bins.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO The Pawi-Can trash bins.

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