The Manila Times

Declare heat wave danger — India court


NEW DELHI — An Indian court has asked the government to declare a national emergency amid the country’s ongoing heat wave, citing that hundreds of people had already died during weeks of extreme weather.

India is enduring a crushing heat wave, with temperatur­es in several cities sizzling well above 45 degrees Celsius.

The High Court in the western state of Rajasthan, which has suffered through some of the hottest weather in recent days, said authoritie­s had failed to take appropriat­e steps to protect the public from the heat.

“Due to extreme weather conditions in the form of (the) heat wave, hundreds of people have lost their lives this month,” the court said Thursday.

“We do not have a planet B which we can move onto. ... If we do not take strict action now, we will lose the chance of seeing out future generation­s flourish forever.”

The court directed the state government to set up compensati­on funds for relatives of any person who dies as a result of heat ailments.

Ruling on the current heat wave and such events in the future, it also said India should begin declaring them “national calamities.”

This would allow the mobilizati­on of emergency relief in a similar manner to floods, cyclones and natural disasters.

India is no stranger to searing summer temperatur­es, but years of scientific research have found climate change is causing heat waves to become longer, more frequent and more intense.

As temperatur­es in the capital New Delhi shot up this week, power usage in the city of an estimated 30 million people surged to a record high on Wednesday.

Researcher­s say human-induced climate change has driven the devastatin­g heat impact in India and should be taken as a warning.

The world’s most populated country is the third-biggest emitter of greenhouse gases but has committed to achieving a net zero emissions economy by 2070 — two decades after most of the industrial­ized West.

For now, it is overwhelmi­ngly reliant on coal for power generation.

The government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is seeking a third term in ongoing elections, says the fossil fuel remains central to meeting India’s rising energy needs and lifting millions out of poverty.

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