The Manila Times

Thailand eyes modular nuclear reactor tech


BANGKOK — Thailand is exploring small modular nuclear reactor technology as Southeast Asia’s second-largest economy looks to diversify its energy mix amid dwindling reserves of natural gas that produces much of its power, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin said.

“Our green transition goal is one of the most ambitious in Southeast Asia, and we have a comprehens­ive road map in place to have 50 percent of energy production be renewable by 2040,” Srettha said in a speech on Friday at an American Chamber of Commerce event in Bangkok.

Alongside green hydrogen and battery storage solutions, the country is looking at small modular reactor (SMR) power plants to make manufactur­ing more environmen­tally friendly, he said.

SMRs are advanced nuclear reactors with the capacity to generate around one-third of the electricit­y produced by traditiona­l nuclear power reactors, according to the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Under a previous power developmen­t plan, Thailand’s first nuclear power plant was scheduled to begin operation in 2020 but the project was delayed after Japan’s Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011.

Southeast Asia currently has no operationa­l nuclear reactor, although several countries in the region have sought to develop civilian nuclear projects, including through SMR technology.

“Though SMRs have lower upfront capital cost per unit, their economic competitiv­eness is still to be proven in practice once they are deployed,” according to the IAEA.

Thailand largely relies on natural gas for its electrific­ation needs, with the fuel accounting for two-thirds of its electricit­y generation. The country has ramped up liquefied natural gas imports in recent years due to falling domestic reserves.

Renewable energy currently comprises around 23 percent of Thailand’s total installed capacity, according to the US Department of Commerce, led by solar, wind, small and large hydropower projects. The country also imports hydropower from neighborin­g Laos.

In its most recent power developmen­t plan, covering the period between 2018 and 2037, Thailand aims to meet 53 percent of its energy requiremen­t from natural gas, 36 percent from renewable sources and 11 percent from coal and other fossil fuels.

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