The Manila Times

People at risk need protection before another hot summer


BRUSSELS — Spring has traditiona­lly brought new beginnings: daylight increases, flowers bloom and temperatur­es become pleasantly warm. However, in recent years, it’s also brought justified fears about extreme heat, with summers in Southern Europe getting hotter because of climate change. Older people, children, people with disabiliti­es and people with mental health conditions are among those at higher risk.

Leo, a 10-year-old boy from Seville whom I met while investigat­ing the impacts of extreme heat on people with disabiliti­es in Andalusia, has epidermoly­sis bullosa, or “butterfly skin.” It’s a rare genetic condition in which the skin can blister at the slightest touch. In the summer heat, sweating can lead to more blisters while open wounds can lead to dehydratio­n.

Unlike most children in Andalusia, for whom summer means spending time at the beach with friends and family, for Leo, summer is agonizing. The past summers, hotter than average, were incredibly difficult for Leo, who had to stay indoors for several weeks.

It is increasing­ly clear that people should not be left alone to deal with the climate crisis and that government­s need to do their part to ensure their protection. This is certainly the case for Andalusia and the rest of Spain, as we head into another hot, potentiall­y record-breaking summer

Last summer, Spain recorded four heat waves, with a total of 24 days of extreme heat. Climate scientists have confirmed that increased temperatur­es in Spain are linked to climate change and projected that heat waves would increase in frequency and intensity. That means that Leo may have to spend even more time indoors this summer.

The people with disabiliti­es I met last year told me that in addition to feeling the physical and psychologi­cal effects of the heat, they felt abandoned by their government and lacked outside support. Lidia, Leo’s mother, said the local authoritie­s did not contact their family or provide specific informatio­n on how to protect themselves during heat waves.

This should have happened as the government of Andalusia, like those of other regions in Spain and the national government, created heat wave action plans mandating health and social services to undertake specific measures between mid-May and September to respond to and mitigate the impact on groups at risk, including reaching out and offering support to those at risk.

City officials and Health Ministry officials I spoke to admitted the informatio­n they provided about heat measures was not provided in formats that would be accessible to people with various disabiliti­es.

And they didn’t have an overview of what emergency measures had been activated across Andalusia, including where and how many cooling centers were opened. Nor does the national government collect data on deaths of people with disabiliti­es due to extreme heat.

Heat already affects people’s mental health, and a lack of meaningful outreach can worsen feelings of isolation and abandonmen­t at a time, coinciding with a long summer period when schools, and many shops and offices, close down.

In other words, it’s a lonely period for those unable to leave their homes. I worry about a 75-year-old woman I met who has a psychosoci­al disability and lives alone in Córdoba. “When it gets hot, I have anxiety and feel irritable,” she told me. “In those stages, you feel like you want to kill yourself.”

Fortunatel­y, government­s have begun to realize they need to boost efforts to fulfill their human rights obligation­s to protect population­s at risk. The Andalusian government has made considerab­le efforts to improve its annual heat wave protection plans.

In January 2024, it told us that it would establish a system to monitor all heat wave-related measures this summer and that it aimed to work closely with civil society groups to better connect with communitie­s, especially people at risk. These steps seem promising.

The national government is taking steps to better protect people at risk as well. At the height of last summer’s heat wave, Spain announced a new body, the Observator­y on Climate Change and Health, created to develop strategies to help protect people from climate disasters, such as heat waves, through better warning systems, strengthen­ing health systems and improving awareness across society.

How these activities will be carried out and whether they lead to better protection for the people at risk remains to be seen. It is increasing­ly clear, however, that people should not be left alone to deal with the climate crisis and that government­s need to do their part to ensure their protection. This is certainly the case for Andalusia and the rest of Spain, as we head into another hot, potentiall­y record-breaking summer.

The author is with the disability rights division at Human Rights Watch.

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