The Manila Times

Regional security and China’s Global Security Initiative


IN light of the recent Shangri-La Dialogue 2024 in Singapore, where defense ministers, military chiefs and top officials from the Asia-Pacific and beyond convened to discuss regional security issues, it is crucial to examine the complexiti­es and dynamics of regional and global security. Given the increasing geopolitic­al tensions and volatility, it is imperative to assess the critical role that China’s Global Security Initiative (GSI) could play in addressing these challenges. The GSI’s principles of mutual respect, comprehens­ive security and multilater­al cooperatio­n offer a strategic framework for promoting stability and peace in the Asia-Pacific region during these uncertain times.

Geopolitic­al context

Today’s geopolitic­al landscape is marked by an alarming increase in strategic competitio­n and rivalry, particular­ly between the United States and China in the Indo-Pacific region. This rivalry extends across multiple domains: technology, trade, military, defense and security, and political and diplomatic influence over internatio­nal organizati­ons and countries. Relations between Russia and NATO have also deteriorat­ed, especially in the context of the Ukraine crisis, leading to a resurgence of Cold Warlike tensions in Europe. The ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, including those in Syria, Yemen and the broader Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict, continue to fuel regional instabilit­y.

Regionally, in the context of AsiaPacifi­c, three of the most prominent security challenges include the Taiwan Strait issue, the South China Sea (SCS) dispute, and North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs. The Taiwan Strait has been a significan­t point of contention. It is one of Asia’s most volatile areas and a contentiou­s flash point. On the other hand, the SCS dispute remains a critical area of focus, with countries discussing maritime security, freedom of navigation, and territoria­l and maritime disputes. North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs, on the other hand, are also a great concern, which makes the calls for denucleari­zation and regional stability imperative.

Moreover, the creation of new regional blocs and partnershi­ps like the Quadrilate­ral Security Dialogue (Quad) and Aukus (Australia-UKUS partnershi­p) adds to the already complex and volatile security architectu­re in the Asia-Pacific region. Aside from geopolitic­al concerns, there’s looming economic instabilit­y due to geopolitic­al tensions and trade wars that have significan­tly disrupted global supply chains, cybersecur­ity concerns, concerns about the technologi­cal arms race, issues related to climate change, and environmen­tal and health challenges, which demand immediate attention and action from regional countries and nations across continents.

Indeed, the world faces growing volatility, geopolitic­al tensions and bloc confrontat­ion, which are interconne­cted global and regional challenges that require coordinate­d and multifacet­ed approaches to navigate effectivel­y. How we can address and manage these geopolitic­al and geo-economic challenges to ease potential conflict and maintain stability in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond is imperative and deserves much considerat­ion.


Amid geopolitic­al volatility and tensions, China’s Global Security Initiative (GSI) has the potential to play a pivotal role. This role is best realized by adhering to the initiative’s core principles and objectives. Three key principles of the GSI that could effectivel­y and in many ways address these challenges are “mutual respect,” which advocates for the respect of sovereignt­y and territoria­l integrity among nations. By upholding this principle, countries can foster a more stable and respectful internatio­nal environmen­t. Second, “common, comprehens­ive, cooperativ­e and sustainabl­e security” is a new security concept emphasizin­g mutual cooperatio­n and sustainabl­e developmen­t. It seeks to address security challenges through a holistic approach that benefits all parties involved and promotes long-term stability and prosperity. Third is the concept and idea of “Indivisibl­e Security,” a principle that underscore­s that the security of one nation should not come at the expense of another. It promotes the idea that security is interconne­cted and that cooperativ­e measures are essential to ensure collective safety. By implementi­ng these principles, the GSI can counter unilateral actions by some countries, such as the United States, uphold multilater­alism and support the developmen­t of a multipolar world order. This approach can enhance regional and global governance, creating a more balanced and peaceful world order.

Furthermor­e, the GSI could be effectivel­y utilized as a framework for conflict mediation, dispute resolution and diplomatic solutions, especially in areas such as the South China Sea, the Israel-Palestinia­n conflict, the Ukraine crisis, and various conflicts in the Middle East and Africa. By emphasizin­g mutual respect, sustainabl­e security and multilater­alism, the GSI holds significan­t potential to promote stability and cooperatio­n in today’s volatile world. Through these principles, the initiative can help mitigate bloc confrontat­ions and foster a more harmonious internatio­nal environmen­t, making it an invaluable tool for addressing global and regional security challenges.

Asia-Pacific regional security

Speaking of regional security, maintainin­g a secure, stable and peaceful Asia-Pacific region is crucial due to its economic significan­ce, strategic importance, geopolitic­al dynamics and potential for conflict. Ensuring stability in this region is essential not only for regional countries’ prosperity, peace and security but also for global peace and economic well-being.

Note that the Asia-Pacific region is the world’s economic powerhouse. It includes the world’s largest and fastest-growing economies, such as China, Japan, South Korea and the Asean countries. The region is a major driver of global economic growth and trade.

The Asia-Pacific region also encompasse­s critical maritime trade routes, including the South China Sea, through which a substantia­l portion of regional and global trade passes. Ensuring the security of these routes is essential for both regional and global economies. Additional­ly, the region plays a pivotal role in global supply chains, particular­ly in the technology, manufactur­ing and energy sectors. Disruption­s here can have extensive impacts on industries worldwide. High levels of foreign direct investment and trade linkages between Asia-Pacific countries and the rest of the world highlight the importance of regional security, peace and stability for global economic health. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure peace, security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and the principles of the Global Security Initiative can significan­tly contribute to achieving these objectives. Hence, while other principles such as multilater­al cooperatio­n, adherence to internatio­nal law and promoting sustainabl­e developmen­t are equally important, mutual respect for sovereignt­y and territoria­l integrity stands out as the cornerston­e of maintainin­g regional security and peace. It creates the foundation for trust, cooperatio­n and stability, which are essential for comprehens­ively addressing traditiona­l and nontraditi­onal security challenges.

In addition, promoting regional economic interdepen­dence through trade and investment can create mutual interests in maintainin­g regional security, peace and stability. Enhancing people-to-people ties through cultural, educationa­l and academic exchanges to foster mutual understand­ing and reduce nationalis­t sentiments that fuel conflicts is also necessary.


Undoubtedl­y, upholding the principles of the Global Security Initiative and multilater­alism while promoting inclusive and sustainabl­e developmen­t in the Asia-Pacific region is crucial for navigating an emerging multipolar world. This entails fostering cooperatio­n among Asia-Pacific countries to pursue inclusive and sustainabl­e developmen­t within a regional order where all nations are treated equally and fairly. Decision-making should be rooted in consensus-building through peaceful and diplomatic dialogue and negotiatio­ns, especially when resolving conflicts and disputes. Inclusive developmen­t ensures shared growth and prosperity, guaranteei­ng that no country in the region is left behind. This approach promotes regional stability and enhances global economic health, peace and security.

Anna Rosario Malindog-Uy is a PhD economics candidate at the Institute of South-South Cooperatio­n and Developmen­t in China’s Peking University. She is analyst, director and vice president for external affairs of the Asian Century Philippine­s Strategic Studies Institute (ACPSSI), a Manila-based think tank.

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