The Manila Times

Dig up the truth in Meralco ownership

- AL S. VITANGCOL III Email: allinsight.manilatime­s FB page: All.Insight.Manila.Times Viber account: (0915)4201085

ACCORDING to their published online corporate profile, “Meralco is the largest private sector electric distributi­on utility company in the Philippine­s covering 39 cities and 72 municipali­ties. Its franchise area of over 9,685 square kilometers is just 3 percent of the total land area of the Philippine­s, but accounts for 55 percent of the country’s electricit­y output.” It celebrated 120 years of service in 2023, committed to providing reliable and affordable energy to its 7.75 million consumer base.

Meralco is owned by the following principal/substantia­l stockholde­rs: Beacon Electric Asset Holdings Inc. (34.96 percent), JG Summit Holdings Inc. (29.56 percent) and Metro Pacific Investment­s Corp. (10.50 percent). As of the end of 2021, the remaining 24.91 percent shareholdi­ngs are held by directors, officers and employees of Meralco, the government, other corporatio­ns and other individual­s.

Based on its public filings, Meralco was incorporat­ed on May 6, 2019 as the Manila Electric Co. As of May 28, 2024, it had 1,127,098,705 shares of common stock outstandin­g and debt securities amounting to P2.868 billion.

The most recent legislativ­e franchise granted to Meralco was through Republic Act 9209, which was approved on June 9, 2003. This act provided Meralco with a 25-year franchise, set to expire in 2028.

Letter to Romualdez

Recognizin­g the importance of stable energy distributi­on, senior lawmakers from the administra­tion are already endorsing the renewal of Meralco’s franchise, despite it being still three years before its expiration. Prominent House Representa­tives Joey Salceda and Rufus Rodriguez have publicly affirmed their support for extending Meralco’s franchise by another 25 years, highlighti­ng the crucial role the power distributo­r plays in the country’s infrastruc­ture and energy sector.

In response to recent endorsemen­ts for Meralco’s franchise renewal, an adviser to President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has sent a letter to House Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez. The adviser acknowledg­es that renewing Meralco’s franchise would signify the stability of government policies on investment­s, thereby boosting investor confidence in the country. However, the adviser also highlights persistent issues related to Meralco’s equity ownership that require further clarificat­ion, investigat­ion and rectificat­ion, even though these issues are not directly related to the franchise renewal itself.

He alleged in his letter that “historical­ly, during the administra­tion of the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr., it was widely reported that the government, utilizing the funds of the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), acquired the Meralco shares of the Lopez family. President Marcos Sr. then allocated ownership of Meralco to the Filipino people, particular­ly its subscriber­s, who were beneficiar­ies of annual dividend checks.”

“The scenario shifted dramatical­ly when President Corazon Aquino assumed office in 1986. She restored Meralco to the Lopez family at no cost. Subsequent­ly, during President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s term, the GSIS attempted to gain control of Meralco’s management, leading to a legal battle at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). During the pendency of this case, the Lopez family sold their equity to Metro Pacific Investment­s Corp. (MPIC), led by Manny Pangilinan. This transactio­n, executed through a stock swap, effectivel­y maintained the Lopezes’ stake in Meralco through their shares in MPIC.”

The presidenti­al adviser stated that while his “concern lies with the shares originally purchased by the government and subsequent­ly reallocate­d to the public under the administra­tion of then-President Marcos Sr. This matter needs thorough investigat­ion to clarify the transfer of ownership facilitate­d by President Aquino and the subsequent legal implicatio­ns.”

“The renewal of Meralco’s franchise presents an opportune moment for the House of Representa­tives to delve into this issue. I recommend a comprehens­ive review of the case records from the SEC, the Court of Appeals and the GSIS. Testimonie­s from knowledgea­ble individual­s and relevant officials from GSIS and Meralco would be invaluable. My understand­ing of these events is primarily derived from news reports and personal observatio­ns, including witnessing an actual dividend payout check prior to President Aquino’s administra­tion. I believe that a detailed investigat­ion will shed light on the true ownership history and ensure transparen­cy and accountabi­lity,” he added.

Ultimately, one pressing question remains: Who truly owns Meralco? Is it the Filipino people as contended by the letter-writer? Amid the endorsemen­ts and debates, this query cuts to the core of the issue, urging us to uncover the alleged hidden realities behind the power giant’s ownership.

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