The Manila Times

UN warns of disease risk after PNG landslide


Survivors of a deadly landslide in western Papua New Guinea face a “significan­t risk of disease outbreak” and are yet to receive sufficient food and clean water, a United Nations agency said on Thursday.

Six days after a mountainsi­de community was buried in a sea of soil, boulders and debris, the Internatio­nal Organizati­on for Migration (IOM) said water sources had become tainted and the risk of disease was soaring.

Much of the area’s water flows through the landslide site, now a 600-meter-long (1,970-footlong) graveyard.

“The creeks now flowing from the debris are contaminat­ed, posing a significan­t risk of disease outbreak,” the agency told partners in a rapid assessment report.

“There are no methods being used to treat the water to make it safe for drinking,” it said, warning of diarrhea and malaria.

For much of the past week, residents of Yambeli and Lapak wards have been digging through countless tons of earth in the search for buried relatives.

Eyewitness­es reported that the stench of dead bodies had become overwhelmi­ng.

Local officials said between six and 11 bodies had been recovered.

Getting clean water, purificati­on tablets and “lifesaving food supplies” to the site were listed as top priorities by the IOM.

The landslide also severed the main road to and from the community, and the link is yet to be cleared.

The confirmed death toll is expected to rise significan­tly once heavy machinery arrives and works though the disaster zone, which measures 90,000 square meters (968,751 square feet).

Enga provincial administra­tor Sandis Tsaka said it had not been possible to get such machinery, engineers or technical offers to the site yet “because of the risk of unstable land movement.”

‘Heads above water’

Aid agencies and foreign donors are also concerned that unreliable estimates about the number of dead, injured and displaced are complicati­ng the internatio­nal response.

“The absence of accurate and timely informatio­n on the affected areas and population hinders effective planning and delivery of humanitari­an assistance,” the IOM warned.

Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister James Marape has estimated the number of dead at 2,000, which would make this one of the deadliest landslides in recent memory.

But satellite imagery experts, disaster relief profession­als, local officials and diplomats have all told AFP that number is likely vastly inflated.

“For a landslide of this size, this is the sort of loss of life you’d see in a city,” landslide expert and University of Hull Vice Chancellor David Petley told Agence FrancePres­se (AFP).

“The pre-failure images just don’t support the idea that there was that concentrat­ion of people,” he said.

Tsaka told AFP on Thursday that the number of dead was probably in the “hundreds” rather than thousands.

He said traumatize­d survivors had been unable to provide reliable informatio­n on loved ones who were still missing.

“Response teams are starting to gather informatio­n — who was there and the number of people impacted,” said Tsaka, who hoped to have initial figures confirmed on Friday.

With some key teams still struggling to reach the disaster zone, he said Papua New Guinea’s response workers were “keeping our heads above water.”

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