The Manila Times

DA chief sets review of regulatory policies


AGRICULTUR­E Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel Jr. has formed a technical working group (TWG) to review and potentiall­y revise the department’s regulatory policies.

Undersecre­taries Asis Perez and Alvin John Balagbag were appointed co-chairmen of the working group based on Special Order 753 issued on May 24, 2024.

Tiu Laurel said on Thursday that the working group would examine the results of a comprehens­ive review conducted earlier by DA regulatory agencies.

The TWG will provide feedback, suggestion­s and recommende­d changes, including the repeal and amendment of conflictin­g and outdated regulation­s, to streamline the DA’s regulatory policies.

“I created this technical working group to harmonize regulation­s of various agencies of the DA to promote efficiency, trim red tape, and plug loopholes and clarify ambiguitie­s that could be exploited and abused by unscrupulo­us individual­s,” Tiu Laurel said in a statement.

Regulation­s to repeal or amend existing rules will then be endorsed by the TWG to the DA Regulatory Clearingho­use System for further review.

“We expect this review process to eventually foster the faster delivery of services to our stakeholde­rs, ease the conduct of business with the DA, as well as facilitate the entry of more investment­s in agricultur­e,” Tiu Laurel said.

Perez, meanwhile, said the TWG would actively review numerous regulation­s, with the process anticipate­d to last about a year.

He added that one of their goals was to transform the department into an effective regulator and a facilitato­r for agricultur­al growth.

“There will be priority regulation­s to review, those that have far-reaching impacts on the lives and livelihood­s of our stakeholde­rs across the agricultur­e value chain,” he said.

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