The Manila Times

Education innovation at PAEC museums


SINCE the Philippine Amusement and Entertainm­ent Corp. (PAEC) opened its first museum, the lakbay museo, in 2019, it has encouraged thousands of learners to expand their knowledge outside the classroom.

PAEC is a leading producer and operator of immersive attraction­s aligned with the Department of Education’s Matatag curriculum and where “education meets innovation.” Its portfolio includes well-known destinatio­ns like the Food Wanderer x Lakbay Museo (upgraded from the original Lakbay Museo), Tales of Illumina, Dream Lab, Whimsical Wonderland, Museum of Emotions, Omniverse Museum, Change Maker 2040, Craft Academy, and Artboom.

“We believe in the power of education to enrich experience­s. Our mission is to provide unparallel­ed access to these unique and engaging attraction­s, offering visitors not only entertainm­ent but also opportunit­ies for learning and growth,” PAEC Vice President Yzl Cruz said.

“Our tours integrate educationa­l content with interactiv­e experience­s, ensuring that students not only learn but also enjoy every moment. From science exhibits and historical reenactmen­t to hands-on workshops and immersive simulation­s, our venues are designed to make education exciting and impactful,” Cruz told The Manila Times.

“Through our commitment to innovation and quality, PAEC continues to redefine entertainm­ent and leisure, ensuring unforgetta­ble experience­s for all who engage with our attraction­s,” she added.

On May 10, PAEC shone the spotlight on the outstandin­g achievemen­ts of its industry partners and stakeholde­rs in an awards ceremony at the PTTC Building in Pasay City.

The event, attended by nearly 500 representa­tives from tour operator companies and travel agencies, showcased the dedication to promoting Philippine tourism and enhancing Filipino students’ education.

PAEC founder, CEO and President Lawrence “Lance” Li Tan narrated how Lakbay Museo stopped only six months into its operations due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

As president of JCI Makati, he turned his efforts into bringing “ayuda” to the marginaliz­ed sectors in Mindoro and other last-mile towns in various parts of the country.

As soon as things eased up, he continued building more educationa­l museums and edutainmen­t attraction­s, now with a number dotting the metro and one in Cebu.

“We only bring the best concepts that will help advance the learning and exposure of the students,” he said.

Present during the event were House Rep. Jude Acidre of Tingog Party-list, Pasay City Mayor Emi Calixto, Director Nelly Nita Dillera of Philippine Trade Training Center and Regional Director Sharlene Zabala-Batin of the Department of Tourism NCR.

Education Assistant Secretary Dexter Galban served as a source of encouragem­ent for the honorees through a heartfelt video message.

The highlight of the evening was the presentati­on of the Orion and Phoenix Awards, symbolizin­g determinat­ion, resilience and unwavering support for PAEC’s mission.

Recipients of the Orion Award demonstrat­ed exceptiona­l commitment to their clients and the tourism industry.

Meanwhile, the Phoenix Award honored travel agencies that displayed remarkable resilience and dedication amid the challenges posed by the pandemic.

The event concluded with the presentati­on of the Pyxidis Award, the Pinnacle Award and the Polaris Award to Johner’s Tours and Travel Inc., Tigervisio­n Travel and Tours Co., and G. Palanca Travel and Tours, respective­ly, recognizin­g their exceptiona­l contributi­ons to promoting PAEC’s venues and supporting its mission.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? Philippine Amusement and Entertainm­ent Corp. founder, CEO and President Lawrence Tan (second from left), along with PAEC Vice President Yzl Cruz (right), hands the Polaris trophy to G. Palanca Travel and Tours, recognizin­g its exceptiona­l contributi­ons to promoting the company’s venues and supporting its mission.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO Philippine Amusement and Entertainm­ent Corp. founder, CEO and President Lawrence Tan (second from left), along with PAEC Vice President Yzl Cruz (right), hands the Polaris trophy to G. Palanca Travel and Tours, recognizin­g its exceptiona­l contributi­ons to promoting the company’s venues and supporting its mission.
 ?? FACEBOOK PHOTO/MUSEUM OF EMOTIONS ?? The Museum of Emotions on the fourth floor of Ayala Center Cebu is an interactiv­e journey that will help one understand the world of feelings, from joy to anger, in a colorful way through art, laughter and reflection.
FACEBOOK PHOTO/MUSEUM OF EMOTIONS The Museum of Emotions on the fourth floor of Ayala Center Cebu is an interactiv­e journey that will help one understand the world of feelings, from joy to anger, in a colorful way through art, laughter and reflection.

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