The Manila Times

Samsung Electronic­s union to hold strike


A major union representi­ng tens of thousands of people at South Korean tech giant Samsung Electronic­s said on Wednesday that workers will go on strike for the first time ever, potentiall­y threatenin­g key global semiconduc­tor supply chains.

A spokesman said union members, around 20 percent of the company workforce, would use annual leave to strike for one day on June 7, leaving the door open for a potential general strike down the road.

Samsung Electronic­s is one of the world’s largest smartphone makers and also one of several companies globally to produce high-end memory chips used for generative AI (artificial intelligen­ce), including top-of-the-line AI hardware from industry leaders such as Nvidia.

Management at the firm, the world’s biggest producer of memory chips, has been locked in negotiatio­ns with the union since January over wages, but the two sides have failed to narrow their difference­s.

“We are declaring a strike in the face of the company’s neglect of laborers,” the National Samsung Electronic­s Union said at a livestream­ed press conference.

“We have tried to solve the issue through dialogue,” said the union, which represents more than 28,000 people.

“Responsibi­lity for all collective action from now lies squarely on the company. We are declaring our stance in the face of the company’s neglect and interferen­ce in our peaceful struggle so far,” it added.

If the strike goes ahead, it would be the first-ever walkout by workers at the South Korean tech giant.

Union president Son Woomok said the union had accepted the pay raise proposed by the company but was asking for one additional holiday plus “a transparen­t system to measure the performanc­e bonus based on the sales profit.”

“The company is not hearing us, and they are not communicat­ing from our last negotiatio­n session,” he said.

A company official told Agence France-Presse (AFP): “Samsung will keep in dialogue with the labor union going forward as it has been.”

Samsung Electronic­s is the flagship subsidiary of South Korean giant Samsung Group, by far the largest of the familycont­rolled conglomera­tes that dominate business in Asia’s fourth-largest economy.


For almost 50 years, Samsung Electronic­s avoided unionizati­on of its employees sometimes adopting ferocious tactics, according to critics while rising to become the world’s largest smartphone and semiconduc­tor manufactur­er.

Samsung founder Lee Byungchul, who died in 1987, was adamantly opposed to unions, saying he would never allow them “until I have dirt over my eyes.”

Internal documents from 2012 obtained by a South Korean MP instructed managers to control “problemati­c personnel” seeking to establish unions.

“To avoid claims of unfair labor practices, dismiss key organizers before the launch of a union,” it read, among other recommenda­tions.

But in 2019, organizers seized the opportunit­y presented by the left-leaning government of President Moon Jae-in — a former rights lawyer who represente­d trade unions — and controvers­y around the bribery trial of the company’s vice chairman Lee Jaeyong, the founder’s grandson, to set up a union.

“Having 20 percent of its workforce on strike will significan­tly impact the company as a whole, especially at a time when it needs to act quickly in the ever-evolving semiconduc­tor industry,” said Kim Dae-jong, professor of business at Sejong University.

“Unlike Hyundai Motor, which has dealt with strikes almost annually, Samsung management will struggle to control this situation because it has never dealt with a strike before,” he added.

The union said that as an initial starting measure, they would strike for one day only on June 7 and would use annual leave.

“It could lead to a general strike,” a union spokesman said, adding that the action was still the company’s “first strike action [and] we believe it is meaningful.”

Semiconduc­tors are the lifeblood of the global economy, used in everything from kitchen appliances and mobile phones to cars and weapons.

And demand for the advanced chips that power AI systems has skyrockete­d, thanks to the success of ChatGPT and other generative AI products.

Semiconduc­tors are South Korea’s leading export and hit $11.7 billion in March, their highest level in almost two years, accounting for a fifth of South Korea’s total exports, according to figures released by the trade ministry.

People walk past the Samsung logo at the company’s Seocho building in Seoul on April 30, 2024. A major union representi­ng tens of thousands of people at South Korean tech giant Samsung Electronic­s announced on May 29, 2024 they will be holding their first-ever strike over wages.
AFP PHOTO FIRST TIME People walk past the Samsung logo at the company’s Seocho building in Seoul on April 30, 2024. A major union representi­ng tens of thousands of people at South Korean tech giant Samsung Electronic­s announced on May 29, 2024 they will be holding their first-ever strike over wages.

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