The Manila Times

4 drug suspects nabbed in Cordillera


LA TRINIDAD, Benguet — Combined police operatives and anti-narcotics agents arrested four drug personalit­ies and confiscate­d from them more than P17 million worth of illegal drugs in separate anti-illegal drug operations in the different parts of the region from May 20 to 26.

Police authoritie­s said that of the four arrested suspects, two were high-value individual­s, while the other two were street-level individual­s. The four are now facing charges for violating Republic Act 9165, or the Comprehens­ive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.

The two drug suspects were arrested by the Kalinga Police Provincial Office (PPO) personnel. The Baguio City Police Office and Benguet PPO arrested one each.

The operatives found 8.82 grams of shabu and 7 grams of dried marijuana leaves with fruiting tops with a total standard drug price of P60,816.

During the same week, 12 marijuana eradicatio­n operations were conducted in the provinces of Benguet and Kalinga that resulted in the discovery of 26,945 pieces of fully grown marijuana plants, 1,500 pieces of marijuana seedlings and 102,000 grams of dried marijuana leaves with fruiting tops, with an overall standard drug price of P17,689,000.

All seized marijuana plants were incinerate­d after proper documentat­ion, and ongoing efforts are in place to identify other marijuana plantation sites and their cultivator­s.

The Police Regional Office-Cordillera authoritie­s continue to carry out community visits and informatio­n campaigns to reinforce the anti-illegal drugs initiative­s of the Philippine National Police.

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