The Manila Times

25th Search for Outstandin­g Accountanc­y Students of the Philippine­s


THIS year marked the silver anniversar­y of the Search for Outstandin­g Accountanc­y Students of the Philippine­s (SOASP). The annual competitio­n aimed to recognize and distinguis­h graduating accounting students from across the country, challengin­g them in a rigorous battle of wits and knowledge.

After rigorous qualifying rounds, 25 finalists emerged, advancing to the grand finals. The final competitio­n was divided into two segments: a “quizbowl,” based on the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Licensure Exam and a question-and-answer portion.

In collaborat­ion with the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountant­s and the Associatio­n of Certified Public Accountant­s in Commerce and Industry, P&A Foundation Inc. hosted the grand finals of the 25th SOASP on March 14.

Kristina Vistal from the University of San Carlos was crowned the 25th SOASP champion. Her schoolmate­s, Jericka Mapula and Alexia Guadalupe, secured second and third places, respective­ly.

Alexia Guadalupe of the University of Santo Tomas and Aaron Culianan of the Polytechni­c University of the Philippine­s Manila placed fourth and fifth respective­ly. Each of the top 25 outstandin­g accounting students received a plaque and a cash prize.

The competitio­n emphasized recognizin­g the students’ immense potential. The SOASP was not just an academic contest, but a journey of learning, highlighti­ng the values of profession­alism, agility, gentleness and trustworth­iness that were essential for future CPAs.

The competitio­n was undoubtedl­y a significan­t milestone for these promising future accountant­s. The room was filled with smiles as mentors and students alike anticipate­d the opportunit­ies that the event would bring.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? n Officials from P&A Grant Thornton, Associatio­n of Certified Public Accountant­s in Commerce and Industry, and Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountant­s pose with the awardees of the 25th Search for Outstandin­g Accountanc­y Students of the Philippine­s.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO n Officials from P&A Grant Thornton, Associatio­n of Certified Public Accountant­s in Commerce and Industry, and Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountant­s pose with the awardees of the 25th Search for Outstandin­g Accountanc­y Students of the Philippine­s.

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