The Manila Times

Filipino teams win at Huawei ICT Competitio­n global finals in China


FILIPINO pride shines on the global stage once more as the team from iAcademy — consisting of Nicholas Barilea, Ryan Caezar Itang, Justine Benedict Umali, and coaches Professor Jayson Viernes and Dean Kiko Napalit — won the grand prize for the Computing Track in the global finals of the Huawei Informatio­n and Communicat­ions Technology (ICT) Competitio­n, held in Shenzhen, China.

This victory marked a significan­t milestone for the Philippine­s in the field of ICT, being the first time a Filipino team achieved such a distinctio­n in the said competitio­n.

In addition to iAcademy’s remarkable accomplish­ment, another Filipino team from the Cebu Institute of Technology - University (CIT-U) — represente­d by Thomas

Danjo Manulat, Adrian Sajulga, Tristan James Tolentino and their instructor, Eugene Busico — also garnered recognitio­n.

CIT-U was honored with the TECH4ALL Digital Inclusion Award, highlighti­ng its dedication to utilize technology to advance health care. Furthermor­e, CIT-U secured third place in the Innovation Track.

The CIT-U team emphasized the importance of “taking opportunit­ies regardless of how one feels and to always persist even if it seems impossible.”

Undersecre­tary Jocelle BatapaSigu­e of the Department of Informatio­n and Communicat­ions Technology – ICT Industry Developmen­t Bureau also expressed her congratula­tions to the Filipino teams.

The Huawei ICT Competitio­n was a renowned platform that brought together young ICT talent from institutio­ns worldwide to compete and collaborat­e on innovative solutions to real-world problems.

This year’s event showcased the exceptiona­l talent and ingenuity of Filipino students, reaffirmin­g the Philippine­s’ growing reputation in the global ICT arena.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? iAcademy wins the Computing Track grand prize at the Huawei ICT Competitio­n global finals in Shenzhen, China on May 26, 2024.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO iAcademy wins the Computing Track grand prize at the Huawei ICT Competitio­n global finals in Shenzhen, China on May 26, 2024.

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