The Manila Times

Bill for ‘environmen­tal migrants’ in PH filed


ENVIRONMEN­TAL migrants, particular­ly from small island developing states (SIDS) constantly facing threats due to climate change, may soon find the Philippine­s their refuge once a bill that would allow them entry gets Congress’ nod.

House Bill 10490, which will amend Section 47 of Commonweal­th Act 613 or the Philippine Immigratio­n Act of 1940, was filed by Reps. Edcel Lagman, Pablo John Garcia, Zia Alonto Adiong, Samuel Versoza Jr. and Robert Ace Barbers last May 27.

The bill’s authors highlighte­d a commitment to humanitari­an duty and stressed the Filipino tradition of offering refuge in times of crisis, as research from the Interconti­nental Panel on Climate Change underscore­s the urgency of the issue.

“As a nation that has historical­ly opened its doors to refugees, we must recognize and respond to the new challenges posed by climate change,” Adiong said.

Versoza said the bill was a “testament” to the Philippine­s’ commitment to uphold human rights and internatio­nal responsibi­lity.

“It is a proactive measure that not only addresses the immediate needs of climate refugees but also sets a precedent for global responses to similar crises,” Versoza added.

As proposed, the bill will include a new paragraph in the Philippine Immigratio­n Act that will allow the President of the Philippine­s to admit foreigners who are “environmen­tal migrants” seeking protection from climate change-related harms.

“This amendment is a response to the escalating crisis faced by population­s in low-lying island nations, who are at risk of losing their homes due to rising sea levels and severe weather events,” the authors said.

The authors believe that the Philippine­s, despite experienci­ng its own severe weather impacts, is also positioned as a leader in advocating for the rights and protection­s of climate refugees on the internatio­nal stage.

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