The Manila Times

VCT welcomes new China-PH trade service


VISAYAS Container Terminal (VCT), a unit of Internatio­nal Container Terminal Services Inc. (ICTSI) at the Port of Iloilo, received the inaugural call of SITC Container Lines’ CPX6 service on May 6, enhancing Western Visayas’ connectivi­ty to mainland China.

The CPX6 service includes key ports such as Tianjin, Yantai, Qingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo, Qinzhou, Xiamen, Subic Bay, Manila,

Iloilo, Cebu and Davao, operated by four vessels with capacities of 2,400 to 2,700 TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent unit).

Timothee Jeannin, VCT executive director, said, “Iloilo is strategica­lly located at the center of the Visayas, the second-largest economic region in the Philippine­s. With the region earmarked for future economic developmen­t, we are pleased to directly collaborat­e with SITC to connect the Visayas to China. The service will help local industries thrive by expanding their market access.”

Jeannin emphasized that the new service marks a significan­t step in fostering trade growth and economic developmen­t in Western Visayas.

“The arrival of this service ushers a new era of collaborat­ion and trade opportunit­y for Western Visayas, which holds immense economic potential across multiple sectors, including agricultur­e and manufactur­ing. Strategic investment­s, infrastruc­ture developmen­t and sustainabl­e practices are key to realizing this potential. This service underscore­s our commitment to fostering trade growth and economic developmen­t in the region

and supports our goal to become the leading trade facilitato­r in the Central Philippine­s,” he said.

VCT began commercial operations in early April under a 25-year concession from the Philippine Ports Authority and plans to improve the port with dredging and modern cargo handling equipment.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO ?? SITC’s CPX6 service commenced at VCT with the arrival of the SITC Port Klang, one of the four vessels operating the service. Photo shows (from left) Jason Karaan, VCT chief financial officer; Timothee Jeannin, VCT executive director; Capt. Liu Chengxuan, SITC Port Klang vessel master; Mikkel Puyat, ICTSI commercial director-Philippine­s cluster; and Song Junping, SITC Philippine­s managing director.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTO SITC’s CPX6 service commenced at VCT with the arrival of the SITC Port Klang, one of the four vessels operating the service. Photo shows (from left) Jason Karaan, VCT chief financial officer; Timothee Jeannin, VCT executive director; Capt. Liu Chengxuan, SITC Port Klang vessel master; Mikkel Puyat, ICTSI commercial director-Philippine­s cluster; and Song Junping, SITC Philippine­s managing director.

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