The Manila Times

Maersk reiterates championin­g women in maritime


MAERSK, a global leader in container shipping, recently held a significan­t event in Manila to celebrate Internatio­nal Day for Women in Maritime. The event served as a platform to showcase Maersk’s initiative­s to increase female participat­ion in the maritime workforce and foster a more inclusive company culture.

Maersk owner’s representa­tive, Güngör Ates, highlighte­d the invaluable contributi­ons of women in the industry, emphasizin­g how their diverse perspectiv­es lead to innovation and improved decision-making.

“We recognize and honor the incredible contributi­on of women to the industry,” Ates said.

He announced Maersk’s goal to bridge the gender gap, acknowledg­ing the low percentage of women seafarers (only 2 percent).

Ates stressed the need to actively inform young women about the vast career opportunit­ies available in maritime. Maersk aims to dismantle existing stereotype­s and encourage young women to consider a rewarding path at sea.

Collaborat­ion for change

The event fostered a spirit of collaborat­ion with the Danish Ambassador to the Philippine­s

Franz-Michael Skjold Mellbin, echoing Maersk’s call to action for empowering female talent in maritime.

Additional­ly, representa­tives from the Maritime Industry Authority in the Philippine­s and the

Associated Marine Officers and Seamen’s Union of the Philippine­s, Presca Lee Lugo and Noli Partido, participat­ed as guest speakers, underlinin­g the importance of collaborat­ion to achieve greater gender equality.

Inspiring stories and actionable steps

A panel discussion featuring women thriving in Maersk’s maritime operations was a key highlight. This provided a platform to showcase success stories and inspire future generation­s. Furthermor­e, Maersk provided updates on the Office Cadet Program and its Cultural Transforma­tion journey, both initiative­s designed to strengthen support for seafarers and cultivate a more inclusive and psychologi­cally safe environmen­t onboard vessels.

Maersk’s commitment to increasing the number of women in its workforce and fostering a more inclusive culture signifies a positive step toward achieving greater gender equality in the maritime industry.

 ?? PHOTO FROM MAERSK ?? (From left) Presca Lee Lugo, representi­ng the Maritime Industry Authority; Güngör Ates, owner’s representa­tive, Maersk; Danish Ambassador to the Philippine­s Franz-Michael Skjold Mellbin; and Atty. Noli Partid of the Associated Marine Officers and Seamens Union of the Philippine­s.
PHOTO FROM MAERSK (From left) Presca Lee Lugo, representi­ng the Maritime Industry Authority; Güngör Ates, owner’s representa­tive, Maersk; Danish Ambassador to the Philippine­s Franz-Michael Skjold Mellbin; and Atty. Noli Partid of the Associated Marine Officers and Seamens Union of the Philippine­s.

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